
What Word Writing Means To Me

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Writing is freedom. For those that read and those that compose, writing is the release of imagination, consciousness, and progress. Whether it is works like the Code of Hammurabi, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, or Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, this release has played a vital role in shaping today’s world by upholding, constructing, and tearing down reality. This means that reality has been positively and negatively impacted by the power of writing. With this outlook, how can anyone decide whether writing is virtuous or wicked? The answer is found in the eye of the beholder. From my standpoint, it is noble and refining. It gives me an escape, a purpose, and a voice in the world that I am expected to accept but destined to change. Initially, reading …show more content…

Some of my favorite books included I, Coriander by Sally Gardner, The Selection series by Kiera Cass, and various mythology books. I have often read entire books in one day even if I lose sleep over it, but it is worth it as they take me to a place where I am a different person who is brave, independent, and strong. For that brief amount of time, I forget about my problems. This allows me to overcome any anxiety that I harbor from the outside world. As for my works, it might come as a shock that instead of writing the fiction that I read, I write non-fiction. On multiple occasions, I have attempted to write stories with new worlds and unique characters, but it was always tedious. It does not give me the feeling that non-fiction writing does. Because of this, my works focus on realistic elements that people can learn from rather than imaginary instances. I do this by using history, nature, and my own experiences to relate to other people and show them new ways of thinking about things. For the most part, my works seemed to accomplish their goal as most of my teachers throughout school were impressed. Mrs. Head, who taught me during my sophomore and senior year, always encouraged my writing. She loved my research paper on the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, and she proofread my research paper on the life of

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