
What Would You Tell Children About Growing Up?

Decent Essays

If I could tell children something helpful about growing up I would tell them three things that are important to me. The first thing is staying positive about yourself appearance.The next thing is to always study and do your homework ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute. The third thing is to stay away from drama and boys. Honestly that's the most important one. These are the things I think are important to remember when growing up. If I could tell children something important about life those three things is what I would tell them. Staying positive is hard in general but staying positive about yourself appearance is even harder. Not only is the work hard and tiring but being in highschool with all of your other peers …show more content…

I understand that going to school for eight hours is awful and then having to come home and do more homework just doesn’t seem fair but you have to remember that it is for a good cause and it will help you better understand what you learn. The best advice I could give you is to do everything ahead of time don’t wait until the last minute to type and essay or study for a test you knew about a week in advance. The best thing you can do is as soon as you get home do all your homework. It is better trust me. When you wait until 9:30 that night to do all your homework you will be tired and you will not put your full effort into what you are doing. Finishing something early will make room for other activities. If you are assigned a worksheet on Monday but it is not due until Friday and you decide to wait until Thursday to do it, what if in another class you get assigned work and it is due the next day. If you would have done the worksheet when it was first assigned then you wouldn’t have to worry about having to rush and have extra work. This is why I suggest doing your work ahead of time instead of waiting until the last

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