
Bread Givers, By Anzia Yezierska

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In Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska Sara is growing up as a Jewish immigrant migrated from Russia. From a young age she has only wanted to support herself and her family. As she grows older she begins to aspire to be “something”. What that something is seems unclear even to Sara. Sara is so unsure of what she hungers for that multiple points can be argued. Some may say she hungers for money because of the way her family has always had to scrape for pennies just to survive. Some may argue she quests for freedom because she runs away from her family. These are decent analysis but they do not dive as deep as they should. Sara’s aspirations are so much more than just money to buy more clothes or just freedom from her family. Sara is an …show more content…

Even if they are working and providing for the house themselves, they are still only seen most when married off to a man who will pay father. When father talks about Bessie he only sees her as an object of his own survival “Don’t forget when she gets married, who’ll carry me the burden from this house? She earns me the biggest wages” (45). In the text father hardly mentions Sara because he is so focused on marrying off his other daughters. He does not see Sara because in her current age she is of little use to him. Even though Bessie earned him the biggest wages on her own she still is not seen as having optimal use without a man. When she refuses to marry Zalmon father angrily says, “So this is the thanks for all I’ve done for you” (98). It says a great deal that father believes he has done her a favor by finding her a husband even though she seemed to have brought home a decent amount of money from working in the shop. “It says in the Torah: What’s a woman without a man? Less than nothing—a blotted out existence. No life on earth and no hope in heaven” (205). The way her father has always looked at her and her sisters has made her determined to get his acknowledgment in particular. He refers to a woman as a “blotted out”, something that is blotted out cannot be seen. Sara believes that she does not need a man to be accomplished and so she tries

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