
When Children Are Young Their Parents Are The Number One

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When children are young their parents are the number one teacher and role model in their world. They guide the development of their young children and provide a context in which they will grow from positive and negative experiences that will later shape their development. The home environment includes the impact of socioeconomic status (SES), parental beliefs of reading and support (Yeo, Ong & Ng, 2014).
SES plays a large part in what tools the home environment has to offer to young children. High income families are more likely to read with their children, provide stimulating activities and promote good reading habits. Low income families have more struggles and while they may want to provide a stimulating environment for their …show more content…

The term Emergent literacy was coined originally by Marie Clay in 1966 but was later updated by Teale and Sulzby in 1986 (Zygouris-Coe, 2001). Emergent literacy can be defined as “the basic building blocks for learning to read and write” (Phillips, n.d). Emergent literacy begins as early as infancy and develops through early childhood. As past research shows, this is why the home environment is such an important part of the child’s early life. The environment shapes their experiences and promotes meaningful interaction with those around them which will later shape their language development (Zygouris-Coe, 2001). The next section will discuss what impact the home environment has on emergent literacy.
The Home Environment The home environment and those who inhabit it are the most crucial factors in the development of a child. Children are not born with the knowledge to read, write and talk immediately, it takes exposure to the home environment in order to develop and master those skills (van Steensel, 2006). From a young age, children’s home environment is one of the main determinants of later language and literacy skills (Di Santo, Timmons & Pelletier, 2016). Although, as will later be discussed, not all home environments are conducive to development which is due to an array of negative impacts on the home environment (Di Santo, Timmons & Pelletier, 2016).
Many researchers have attempted to operationalize the term “home literacy environment”, but it

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