
When Freedoms Are Taken Away Analysis

Decent Essays

Would you like to live with a situation in which your all the freedoms are taken away from you, no freedoms for 2 years? Can you live in that situation? To live in that situation, it’s like we are going in the prison. There were many people who have been through that situation. There was a girl and her family who have been through that situation. In the same places, cannot go outside, cannot go to the school, the whole day in the same house, cannot talk or meet their friends. There was a family who went in the heading to be saved from Hitler, but they just did it for 2 years. Then after two years, one day someone knocked the door and someone from the family opened the door thinking that there was someone who was going to bring them some good news, but they saw that the person was Hitler and his guards, not someone who was going to bring them news. They all were quiet and were thinking of what is going to happen next? …show more content…

To live in the secret annex is like no freedom, no independence and no enjoyment. Anne and her family want in the hiding sacrificing their freedom and everything else. All the children cannot go to the school, all the women cannot go to the shopping and all the man's cannot go at their jobs. Everyone has to sacrifice something if the family is going in the hiding. Children cannot go to the library or school to educate themselves. They got some education in the annex by Anne's father.They learned foreign language, and algebra from Mr.Frank. The got five library books every Friday brought by miep. All the children had enough books to read and learn. Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Dussel had to sacrifice their name and their jobs. All the people in the Annex had to follow the tight schedule and the rule of the Mr. Frank. They need to follow the rule in order to live in the secret annex with all the other people. All the people in the annex has to follow the rule of the Annex in order to survive in the world war

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