
When I Want To Be Colored Me

Decent Essays

Reflecting myself throughout the years something unique about me is that I like to help other people.I want to be the kind of person that can inspire people or help other people even if it's just the littlest thing. The person who has shaped me and into who I am is my father. He has shaped me into who I am because at a young age, he went to America without knowing any english to get a job to have enough money to get my mom here. After hearing this, it has shaped me into who I am because he came here for his kids to have a better future.The field I became interested in is taking care of kids or babys. I became interested in this field since my sophomore year when i got introduce the the little kids. I learn that this field takes a lot of patient. I'm interested in this field because I find kids interesting, Love how happy and joyful they are and i want to help them be who they want to be.
I find kids interesting because you can learn from them. Most people think that kids would usually learn from us, but that isn't true we learn many things from them without even knowing. For instance friendship, confident, trying new things and being courageous etc. we learn friendship from them because they're always making new friends. We learn confident from them because they're not afraid to say what's on their mind, we learn to be courage by …show more content…

Usually when there's a person i don't know, I would like them to approach me instead of the other way around. Whenever I approach someone I feel like i'm annoying them. I also want to respect their personal space. My strength is communication, yes i know that I just said that i can get shy but once we start taking, I can hold a conversation.One skill that I have is listening skills, I like to hear people out and people stories are very interesting to me. For instance if they’re having the worst/best day ever of just something little, I would try to listen and make their

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