
When does Personhood Begin and Where do we Draw the Line?

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When does Personhood Begin and Where do we Draw the Line?
After coming to the United States, the first controversial issue that caught my attention was personhood and abortion. Most of the people that I had conversations with were concerned about this issue and were against the personhood legislation in Oklahoma which prohibits abortion and birth control. Mostly the women viewed the whole issue as an infringement upon their rights. Likewise, the men were concerned about the rights of their loved ones. Though they are the choice of a woman and are private, the issue is still morally challenging for everyone as it involves emotion, culture and spiritual beliefs. Therefore, it is an issue that appeals to people’s emotion apart from their political and religious stands, as it involves lives and motherhood. It affects people emotionally and physically, too. Most importantly, no woman wants to be called a murderer simply because she chooses to terminate a pregnancy. Most supporters of personhood legislation assert that personhood begins at fertilization, while most pro-choice people claim that personhood does not begin at fertilization and it is the choice of a woman to decide whether or not she wants to continue her pregnancy or use methods of birth control. However, I believe that once a fetus has become receptive to senses and pain, it should not be aborted. Therefore, the entire debate about personhood is when the life of a person begins or at what stage in the human life

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