
Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Summary

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The short story “Where are you going, where have you been,” which is written by Joyce Carol Oates, it tells about a fifteen-year-old beautiful girl Connie, who has annoyed by her family conflict because of her un-satisfy-mother and barely-talk-father, she pretended to be like matureness, so she spend her time to hang out with older boys to prove herself. Once Connie was captured attentions of a strange older man Arnold Friend, and was threatened by him in front of her house, Arnold ultimately peeled herself away from her illusions to the reality. By constructing and describing Connie’s psychological descriptions, Orates has shows the vivid picture of the process of a naïve girl from satisfy the illusion which made by herself, to the reality which she really had never seen before, and Connie’s issues with her family, her social life, or even the part that she could not escape from, come to make this fifteen-year-old beauty failed to be mature, force to experience what is the real reality, and force to admit her destiny.
From the beginning of the story, the …show more content…

However, there is no such an evidence to show that Connie is interested in any of these guys, or there is such a boy she would spend time more than one night. Meanwhile, there is an odd phenomenon that as the need for the story, Oates even does not mention Connie friends’ name. “She and that girl and occasionally another girl went out several times a week, and the rest of the time Connie spent around the house…” It feels like Connie is the character who is actually far away from the reality and cannot build a good friendship with other girls, or even looks like lives in her own world by own, which means whether she wants or not, there is no such a thing could make her feel really

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