
Whi Is Ihrm Such an Important Issue for Mne's ?

Decent Essays

Why is IHRM such an important issue for MNE’s?

International Human Resources Management is the process of procuring, allocating, and effectively utilizing human resources in a multinational corporation. It is born thanks to globalization and to the growth of multinational enterprises all around the world.

Globalization and the effective use of international human resources are two major issues facing firms in today’s global economy. As more and more firms operate internationally, there is a clear need to understand how to manage human resources that are located outside the domestic environment.

A HRM system cannot be an efficient approach for a multinational enterprise (MNE) to optimize their employees’ performances because …show more content…

This quote means that an MNE has different choices for its IHRM approach.

The four generic IHRM orientations of MNEs: ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, and regiocentric, introduced by Perlmutter (1969) and Perlmutter and Heenan (1979), are widely recognized. * In an ethnocentric approach, the MNE exports the home HRM system abroad. Strategic decisions are made at the headquarters and subsidiaries are managed by expatriates. Like Porter said: “In a global industry, a firm must integrate its activities like HRM on a worldwide basis to capture the linkages among countries”. * An MNE with a polycentric approach adapts to the local HRM system that the local companies use. Foreign subsidiaries have a large autonomy and HCNs fill the senior positions. HCNs are more likely to be promoted to positions at headquarters. * In a geocentric approach, the MNE takes a worldwide approach to its operations: employees can be promoted to senior positions in both headquarters and subsidiaries according to their capabilities, regardless of nationality and location. * The regiocentric approach is similarly to the geocentric approach, but senior managers enjoy regional rather than global autonomy in decision-making.

Each of these four approaches has certain advantages and disadvantages. The choice of

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