
Which Gym Business Model is Better to Change Obese Lifestyle of Australia?

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Australians have long been famous for being an obese country and now for the first time in recent years there has been an overwhelming desire for the nation to lead healthier, more active lifestyles, fueling a thirst for the long forgotten fitness industry. Fitness niches which are nontraditional forms of exercises, take the “work” out of work out, previously exhibited robust growth is now currently being run out by easy access 24/7 gyms, whom are attracting the majority of earnest and cost efficient Australians (Brown Gibbons Lang& Company, 2013).
Jett’s vs. Fitness First
Increasingly so, healthy living has now become the mantra for many Australians with the outlook of the fitness industry in Australia in 2014 one of good …show more content…

This comes as no coincidence as it is a fact that the two of the top five fastest growing franchises are 24-hour gyms in Australia (BRW, 2013).
Fitness First’s soft spot
SmartCompany reports, McDonell co-founder of Fitness First insists that there is room for different gym formats in Australia, but concedes the rise of 24-hour, low-cost gyms in general, and Jett’s in particularly, "may have affected them slightly" in the last two years. At the same time as rivalry Jett's numbers have exploded, opening 155 gyms in less than five years. Under the 24-hour model, gyms are unmanned for most of the day, meaning labour costs are much lower (Thomson, J, 2012).
Fitness First has be renowned for its unique product line of programs and other assorted nontraditional forms of exercise taking the “work” out of work out it has garnered increased mass appeal from both media and individual gym enthusiasts, drawing in millions of new subscribers around the world. With its long standing knowledge of suppliers and specialists it is known for its better facilities and equipment, thus creating a customer base loyal to those who treasure such values, unfortunately not all consumers value this concept.
Jett’s distinguishes itself from the larger operators like Fitness First which have broader facilities, pools, classes and personal trainers, which significantly bump up costs for members. By

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