
White Privilege And Blindness Essay

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White privilege, ignorance, and blindness are not valid reasons for minimizing racial oppression or social injustice. The reach of white privilege is extensive yet rarely recognized by white individuals. Most individuals are not aware of their white privilege or the subtle "accommodations" that are afforded white individuals not shared by African Americans. White privilege affords those of white identity all-inclusive membership privileges that insulate them from the historical, institutionalized rules long-favoring whites at the expense of black oppression. This privileged lens further perpetuates blindness of not seeing the advantages given to those unaffected regardless of status, character, or merit. Stories of “historically invisible sufferers” as they stand in solidarity must be given the platform to give their accounts. An analysis of white privilege reveals blindness to the moral responsibility of the effects of racism: authenticating the need of further exploring white privilege, opening dialogue, increasing awareness, and facilitating change. Recognizing and addressing racism is the beginning of working toward equity. Making the invisible visible and giving a voice to the invisible sufferers. According to Margaret Walker (2007), “The moral authority of subordinated people as narrators of the social and political… [lending] moral worthiness of accounts from the perspectives of the marginalized and assumes the plurality of stories” (as cited in Jungkunz

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