
White Fragility Of Racism, By Robin Diangelo

Decent Essays

"Racism as encompassing economic, political, social, and cultural structures, actions and beliefs that systematize and perpetuate an unequal distribution of privileges, resources, and power between white people and people of color (Hilliard,1992 in white fragility).I truly believe that racism is a big problem in the world and that it is still going on even though some people think that that was left in the past.If people can understand what racism is and how it starts we can be more successful is ending it because of its such an ugly thing.In the readings and movies that we have watched and read, I learned a lot about racism.

White fragility by Robin Diangelo was about white fragility which she defines as a state in which even a minimum amount …show more content…

When white people are being taught about racism they don't think it's them because they think "there talking about the other "bad" white people.She also talks about how white people have an advantage that people of color don't have, and that white people are treated better ."whiteness is a location of structural advantage, of race privilege.second its a 'standpoint' a place from which whir=te people look at ourselves, at others and society .third it refers to a set of cultural practices that are unmarked and unnamed."(white fragility) . white fragility can happen if people aren't educated about racism because they are unprepared to think about it critically.Some white people think that they worked hard for what they have for example their jobs (some may have ) but like DeAngelo says they don't know that they been treated better given more opportunities s because of them just white and having blue eyes and blonde hair because of white privilege ..DiAngelo says that white people are taught to not feel any loss over the absence of people of color because it's better .SChools and neighborhood ae considered "good" when there's no black people there which are insane for me comprehend because I would think that would be the best when your in a school/neighborhood that has a lot of variety of different cultures.I agree with what DeAngelo is saying because I experienced it first hand when I went to Hampton Bays school primarily a "white" school.I remember in middle school there was only one kid that was black out of the whole school and everyone knew him.My parents decided to move to Riverhead and before I left Hampton Byas the teachers and my friends told me "good luck I hope you survive with all those black people in there because you're going into

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