
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest By Donald Trump

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Donald Trump 's run for presidency brings faithful supporters, angry critics, and a plethora of headlines. Supportive followers ignore the plentiful reasons that deem Trump unfit for presidency. For example, on several occasions comments and statements made by Trump paint him as sexist and racist. In addition, Trump shares similarities with Adolf Hitler, an unsettling realization. However, those who support Donald Trump argue that his economic experience as well as his honesty outweigh the long list of his faults.
America, a country considered a melting pot, requires a president capable of accepting those of different races and religions. Donald Trump’s openly racist remarks disqualify him from holding presidency. In a speech, Trump made the “assertion that all Muslim people should be barred from entering the U.S.” (Pulliman-Moore). In response, “White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest” stated ““What Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president”” (Pulliman-Moore). In addition, “House Speaker Paul Ryan insisted that religious freedom was a “fundamental Constitutional principle”” (Pulliman-Moore). Trump clearly crossed the line with his comment. Displaying islamophobia violates the right of religious freedom, as granted by the First Amendment. Presidential obligations include respecting and upholding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and Trump proves incapable of carrying out that responsibility.
In addition to racism, Trump proves sexist as

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