A group of four friends called the “white monsters” don’t like any colors except for white. They even have a room where they always hangout and guess what color it is. Yep it is all white including the carpet and furniture. They try to avoid color if possible. Since they didn’t like being around colors their lives are pretty boring and dull all they do is hangout in their room all day except for going to work or other places. When they do go other places they try to get rid of the all colors by trying to get the people to wear just white and to get all white things. That is why they are called the white monsters because they want to take all the color out of the world and have everything just be all white.
One Saturday morning they were
In today’s society there are violent people. Some of these people can be found in the book Monster by Walter dean Myers. The main character is Steve Harmon and he is facing trial for murder. Steve was the lookout but wasn’t responsible for Mr.Nesbitt's death. Steve is on trial for murder because he was in the store that day
When you think of monsters you think of them under your bed, or how scientist say the loch-ness monster is real, or how bigfoot is also. Though in Illinois they have their very own monster. Though it only being about 14 inches long. The Tully Monster is the state fossil in Illinois. Discovered in 1958 by Mr.Francis Tully he took specimens of the “Tully Monster” to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.
The novel Monster by Walter Dean Myers is the book I chose to read and do my essay on. The genre Walter chose for the book Monster is realistic fiction. The novel was published in 1999 which is a year after I was borning. The reason why I chose this Novel is because a teacher recommended the book to me a couple year ago but, I never got a chance to read it. I always assumed the book was good because it won three awards. The first award the book won was the National Book Award for young people’s literature. The second award the book won was the Michael L. Printz Awards. The third award the book won was called the Coretta Scott King Award Honor all in which the book won in the same year 2000. The book is told from the perspective of a young african american teenager named steve harmon. Steve lives in harlem where the story takes place. One night steve chose to hang with a bad group of friends and was in a robbery. During the robbery one of Steve’s friend kills the cashier. Now Steve is in jail and going back and forth to court hoping to be proven not guilty of felony murder. Steve and I lives are alike in many different ways although we come from different backgrounds.
There is such kind of monsters, remain their appearance as a human, yet the things they do can only describe as monstrosities. They are not monsters in books and literature, a fear of unknown or sexual desires. People were, or still are facing actual brutal violence or psychological terror from those monsters. More importantly, the monster being talked here is one of our kind. They are human, yet described as “inhuman”, under the inhuman category of Stephen T. Asma’s book On Monsters, a bloody history, a dark past of humanity have been introduced as a monster. It is Khmer Rouge’s infamous security prison S21: the representation of the massacre took place in Cambodia in 20th century and this kind of monster, unfortunately, is still relevant to the world, even till this day.
Hey y’all. Look in the sky! What is that? Is that a meteor! One day on maple street our power went out , les goodman car won’t start no one’s car would start. On maple street, there was no power. Steve & charlie were going to go up town, but Tommy said Steve please don’t go!” Steve said, “why”. Tommy said” the aliens in the meteor don’t want you to go up town. The monster on maple street is about these people that supposed to be best friends, but on this lonely night the power went out on maple street. So everybody went outside to see if everybody power was out and it was, no cars would start on maple street. Until Les Goodman car stated all by itself, then everybody look at the car and then they look at Les Goodman and said that how did his car started all by itself that is in possible. Then Les Goodman said is wasn’t me who started the y’all seen me when i try to start is but it wouldn’t start.
Judgment is a fundamental function of the human brain. On a daily basis one judges their peers for their actions, whether it be good or bad. In the novel, Monster by Walter Dean Myers, a young boy named Steve Harmon is put on trial for felony murder; he shares his experiences of what is going on throughout the case and how he is being perceived by his peers. The jury has to make a decision, marking Harmon guilty or not guilty. The jury must make a judgment about him, about who he is. Evidently, it is revealed that judgment is determined by one’s traits, actions, and appearance.
In “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” by Rod Serling, the actions of the characters and events are important in the story because they advance the plot by making the story more suspenseful and interesting. At the beginning of the story, at 6:43 pm, a ‘meteor’ went across the sky, which startled everyone. Then later on, the power went out, nothing was working. As quoted in the passage, “What was that? A meteor?” and “Steve, the power’s off. I had the soup on the stove and the stove just stopped working.” Based on the information in the text, after the meteor went across the sky, people started to panic a bit after the power went out. In the middle of the story, Tommy told everyone about the aliens looking like humans and can be one of them.
“Fear and euphoria are dominant forces, and fear is many multiples the size of euphoria” - Alan Greenspan. New York author, Alan Greenspan, here is explaining that the threat fear presents is really no different than the state of intensity caused by euphoria. In Andrew J. Hoffman’s anthology, Monsters, there is substantial evidence that both fear and euphoria are inflicted upon men, by female monsters. The two threats men typically face against women are temptation and emasculation. Thus, in mythology and folklore, female monsters exemplify the impulse of desire (sexually) for men, and male weakness. These are creature that are lusted after and yet, still feared because of their power. Men find female monsters both fearsome and euphoric and will always threaten their dominance and control.
“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts...” (John Steinbeck, brainyquote.com) Fear greatly corrupts the peace and civility in a town in the Twilight Zone. The Twilight Zone is a TV show from the 1960s, composed of separate short stories. This is a very unique show that touches on the fatal flaws of all humans, where most shows exaggerate the admirable characteristics of humans. In The Twilight Zone, there is a short story called, “Monsters Are Due On Maple Street,” by Rod Serling, where characters continuously search for a scapegoat, led by suspicion and fear. In, “Monsters Are Due On Maple Street,” the author discusses the evil weapons of humanity, including scapegoating and suspicion. These two weapons of humanity lead to the destruction of civility on Maple Street, as neighbors turn on one another.
On January 11, 1997, the Winchester family resided in Apple Hill, a small town in Oregon. Their household only had dinner together every Saturday evening due to the parents working countless hours to provide for their children. Shirley, the mother worked the nocturnal shift at Stone Gate Hospital and Robert, the father worked for the FBI. Needless to say, they were constantly busy, but promised their kids they would have their favorite meal when they got home - spaghetti and garlic bread.
Deep within the Shanwam Forest was the Elf Republic. Elves lived happily without even caring about monsters, thanks to whom? Thanks to two elves. These elves lived just outside the Elf Republic. These were, as you guessed, monster hunters. Their names were Oda and Roronoa, and they hunted almost all the monsters until one day. . . .
Welcome to the game known as Monster Hunter. The game is about you hunting various “monsters” to collect their parts to make weapons and armors. If you want to play the game properly there are pieces of knowledge to consider. To start off, at the beginning of the game you will first create your hunter. The choices come to male or female, hair, voices and other little cosmetic pieces that won’t be able to be seen once armor is equipped. Now to choose a weapon type of which there is fourteen in total (1). There are three ranged weapons: the light and heavy bowgun, and the bow. The others are great sword, long sword, sword and shield, dual blades, hammer, hunting horn, lance, gunlance, switch axe, charge blade and insect glaive. The melee weapons come in two flavors, cutting and blunt (1). After choosing your weapon you can move on to the main game!
A dog can look up to it’s master and following every traits of behavior he or she displays. White Fang has from a curious puppy, to a cold blooded fighting machine and finally a loving, caring family dog. The poor dog goes through so much turmoil that people who read this can’t but be sorry for the canine. However, through hardships, White Fang has forged himself into becoming an intelligent, courageous dog.
Last night, the queen’s brother’s came for a visit. We had a party to welcome them. The queen looked happier than we have ever seen her. Usually, her face is blank but today she was smiling from ear to ear. I guess she misses her brother and family but what can she do, she has been given to my king as a gift. Anyways the night went like this where both clans were happy drunk and having fun. After a while we all returned to our rooms to sleep since it had been a very long night. I was my turn to watch the queen that night so I slept outside her door. While I was on duty that horrendous monster came. The monster stood a few feet away from and I don’t know why he was in the sleepings coordinates or even why he was in front of the queen’s door
into it just big enough to hold the weapon attempting to pull it out it will not move upon closer examination.