
Who Is Euler's Hidden Figures Still Relevant Today?

Decent Essays

The movie Hidden Figures takes place in the 1960s during the race to space. During this time in America, segregation was still a large part of society. Whites were separated from blacks. Men were separated from women. The educated were separated from the uneducated. There was a very thick line separating everyone and the ideas that one was inferior to the other were obvious to all. In the race to space, people expected the “smart, white men” to figure out how to successfully take a man to the moon and return him to earth unharmed. However, Hidden Figures tells the story of a young, black woman who helps calculate the numbers perfectly. Because the safety of people was at stake and math is math, the most qualified got the opportunity to help. Her mathematical knowledge connected her to the world once severely separated from her due to her differences from the “ideal” candidate. Katherine Johnson …show more content…

It was a “lightbulb” moment in the movie from when they were all standing there staring at the blackboard calculating the problems. When Euler’s method was mentioned, people’s first thoughts were about how old it is, saying “that’s ancient” (Meyers), but Johnson brought up the point that it is still math and still is very useful and relevant today. Euler’s method is used to calculate the projected location of something when many different factors are involved in the location at various points that could alter the path. This was exactly the math needed for the race to space. The fact that the method was older and not as typical helped play into the common theme that math doesn’t change and can therefore be taught and learned by anybody. This idea assisted Katherine Johnson to be able to do and assist with the space race as much as she did because previous to this and still around the time period, women were not seen as people who were able to do this sort of

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