
Who Is Mercutio Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet?

Decent Essays

It’s a sad tale of two lovers who want nothing more than to be together: Romeo and Juliet. The two go on a treacherous journey to be together, but it all leads up to their last breath. Who is at fault for one of the despondent endings in theater? Mercutio is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet because he talked Romeo into going to the party, he started the fight with Tybalt, and he put a curse on Romeo.
Mercutio’s first mistake was inviting Romeo to go to the Capulet’s ball. Mercutio is a smooth-talker and tells Romeo, “We waste our lights in vain like lights by day. Take our good meaning, for our judgment sits five times in that ere once in our five wits.” Mercutio persuades Romeo by manipulating his perspective about their intentions for the party, and Romeo buys into it. Because they went to the party, Romeo met Juliet, which set up the stage for a tragic ending. It is clear: had Mercutio not convinced Romeo to go to the ball, he would not have met Juliet, they would not fall in love, and they would not have killed themselves. …show more content…

Mercutio taunted, “O calm, dishonorable, vile submission! Tybalt, you ratcatcher, will you walk?” The fight was started by Mercutio and his hot-headed nature. Because Mercutio picked the fight with Tybalt, he forced Romeo’s hand to fight with Tybalt and got Romeo exiled! Because of the exile, the Friar and Juliet had to make a plan to get the two lovers together. The plan, caused by the fight, ended up leading to the death of Romeo and Juliet. Again, Mercutio’s selfish actions managed to lead into the reason of the couple's’

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