
Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Tragedy

Decent Essays

Do priest always make the right choices and are trustworthy? The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is about a guy named Romeo and a girl named Juliet falling in love with each other when they are not suppose to fall in love because parents of one side are enemies of the other parents. They went through many hardships and eventually they died for each other. Friar Laurence is most responsible for the tragedy because of his laziness, his irresponsibility, and his poorly thought out plan. The first reason that makes Friar Laurence responsible for this tragedy is his laziness. The Friar was suppose to give the letter to Romeo and promise Juliet to do so but he did not keep his promise. When Romeo found …show more content…

Friar Laurence hears the watchmen approaching and asks Juliet to leave with him. “I hear some noise. Lady, come from the nest/ Of death, contagion, and unnatural sleep./ A greater power then we can contradict/ Hath thwarted our intents. Come,come away”(5.3.151-154). If Friar was more thoughtful and did not leave Juliet in the tomb alone, he could have talked Juliet out of killing herself. He was already responsible for for Romeo’s death and knows how strong Juliet’s love is for Romeo so leaving her crying over his corpse was not a good idea. Friar could have bring Juliet out of the tomb right when she wakes up from her sleep so she will not have to sleep Romeo’s dead body. There are many things the Friar could have done to prevent this tragedy but instead his choose to run away from everything at that …show more content…

Juliet is forced to marry Paris and ask the Friar for help. “Hold, then, Go home, be merry, give consent/ to marry Paris. Wednesday is tomorrow./ Tomorrow might look that thou lie alone:/ Let not the nurse lie with thee in thy chamber/ Take thou this vial, being then in bed,/ And this distilled liquor drink thou off...”(5.1.89-94). Friar’s plan was not perfect. Friar Laurence is a man that people trust and when his plan have some mistakes nobody will notice it. His suggestion leads to a chain of tragedy. When Friar tells Juliet to agree to the marriage it made the marriage forward a day. Which leads for not enough time to notice Romeo. Then, with Romeo not knowing anything, he did not think clearly and went to see Juliet. Which, then leads to the feud of Paris. That feud leads to the death of Paris.
In conclusion, his laziness, his irresponsibility, and his unthoughtful plan makes Friar Laurence most responsible for the tragedy. His laziness causes Romeo to not receive the notice which leads to death of severals. His irresponsibility causes Juliet to suicide. His unthoughtful plan leads to the death of Paris. Just because someone is holy it does not means that they always make the right

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