
Who Is Steve Harmon's Role In The Murder Of Mr. Nesbitt

Decent Essays

Steve Harmon is the main character in the book Monster. Steve is on trial for his part in the murder of Mr. Nesbitt. Mr. Harmon struggles throughout this process trying to figure out who he really is. He also attempts to convince himself that he did not do anything wrong. Steve is a seventeen-year-old high school student that loves film class. He uses his knowledge of film to write a movie script based on his time in prison and his trial. The script is named Monster. Steve Harmon is wrongly found innocent in the trial for the murder of Mr. Nesbitt. There is a large stock of evidence that can be used to prove that the jury made a mistake. The young man had knowledge of a crime that resulted in an innocent mans death and he should be punished for it. Steve states in the book that he discussed the robbery with King and Peaches. Steve admits that he had knowledge of the robbery. Steve’s Alibi doesn’t hold much ground either. …show more content…

Nesbitt. Osvaldo Cruz, James King and Bobo Evans all testified that Steve had a part in the crime. Evans stated that he say Steve exit the store and both King and Cruz admitted that he was in on the robbery. In a flash back that Steve has, he explains how James King, Peaches, and himself planned and discussed the robbery while sitting outside their apartment buildings in their neighborhood. Numerous people stated that he either took part in the robbery or was at the scene of the crime shortly before the robbery.
Secondly, Steve’s alibi has no strength to it. He states that he was in his neighborhood taking mental notes for a school project during the time of the crime. There is not a single person that is able to back up his claim. It is impossible for anyone to know whether this statement is indeed true or not. Cruz, King, and Evans all three state that Steve took part and was at the scene of the crime shortly before the time of the

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