
Who Is Sydney Carton A Courageous Character

Satisfactory Essays

Olivia Baccari

Mrs. Haynes

English, E

14 November 2017

The Courageous Carton

Sydney Carton is a courageous character, he helps out Lucie in a tremendous way. Dickens has Carton save Darnay so that Lucie and her family will have a better future. Carton is taking his life so that Lucie and her family can successfully escape back to England. When Darnay is writing his letters, in his jail cell, he looks up and sees, “The door was quickly opened and closed, and there stood before him face to face, quiet, intent upon him, with the light of a smile on his feature, and a cautionary finger on his lip, Sydney Carton” (Dickens 355). Carton loves Lucie so much that he will do anything to make her happy, even if it means death for him. Since Carton’s

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