
Who Is The Monster In Frankenstein

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The monster in Frankenstein portrays a very mythical form of life because it functions as a beastly, grotesque, third race creature with human like qualities. Throughout the book, the monster displays it’s mythical qualities, such as having black skin, yellow eyes, beastly physique, and hideousness. The monster goes around tormenting Victor, by killing his family member, and destroying the village at where he stayed for awhile. The monster demands that Victor creates another creature to be his companion, which is also proof that the Monster is its own race. “I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life and stir with an uneasy, half vital motion (Shelly).” As soon as the creature springs to life, Victor knows immediately that he has created a horrific specimen. He sees how grotesque and ugly the creature is, and fears what he has created. “I sprang for my room, for the creature was horrifically gigantic and ugly (Shelly).” Victor is horrified by his creation, he experiences nightmares and invisions his mothers and sisters …show more content…

The monster came across a village one night, and walked in. He scared away the first man that saw him, and proceeded to scare everyone he saw until they welcomed him. “When William mentions his father Alphonse Frankenstein, the monster erupts in a rage of vengeance and strangles him to death with his bare hands (Sparknotes).” The monster’s mood switches in the blink of an eye from being calm to showing great rage. It strangles William to death just like that, barely using any force at all. The monster shows beast like qualities, whether it is scaring someone by its appearance, or by killing people easily. This beastly quality contributes to the mythological aspect of the

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