
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Wait, WHAT! Do you also think there is more to Romeo and Juliet than we all really know and who is to really blame for their deaths?! In Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare there is a huge impact and problem that occurs between two enemies that fall in love, but don't make it all the way through life and really enjoy it together. Friar Laurence, their parents, and Romeo and Juliet are to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because things they said and did really impacted and changed them. Romeo and Juliet’s parents weren’t as involved as they should of been or could have been and didn't really know or care about their kids lives. In the first act, Juliet's mom couldn’t handle being in the same room as Juliet because she didn't know her very well and wasn't very comfortable with her, so the nurse had to go in with them to talk because she knew …show more content…

In the beginning, he thought it would be a great idea to marry Romeo and Juliet so it could bring peace to both sides of the families. He took matters into his own hands and just went off and did exactly that. This shows that Friar Laurence thought he had a great idea and go ahead to make “peace” and save them all, without thinking of the consequences that come with it. Once he knew that he messed up and the reason why Romeo and Juliet died was because of he never really came up or back again. In the last act, Friar Laurence gives Juliet the potion that makes it seem like she died, so she doesn't have to marry another man but Romeo has no idea and ends up killing himself. This falls back on Friar because the whole time he thought he was making it better, he only messed things up more and more. People might say he was helping and only giving out advice but it was Friar Laurence that thought of the ideas so it's his fault that they both

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