
Who Is To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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Who Is to Blame For the Tragic Death of Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare once wrote, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”. This quote by Shakespeare is saying that nothing ever was good or bad, we made everything what it is. This is the relationship between the two families in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet because they made the hate between each other. William Shakespeare was an english poet, playwright ,and actor, who is known for his poetry and plays such as The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet. His play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is about two teens that are star crossed lovers and there love is forbidden which makes them die in the end. Friar lawrence never informed Romeo of Juliet's fake death, and he made the plan to make Juliet drink a potion to make her look dead. which is why he is responsible for Romeo and Juliets death. …show more content…

He knew it was risky to begin even though he still says, ”tomorrow night look that thou lie alone: let not the nurse lie with thee in the chamber. Take thou this vial” (4.1.91-93). This quote explains that he is giving her the plan to drink the drink by herself so she does not get caught. When Friar Laurence gave the idea he said she will need to have strength,“If, rather than to marry County Paris,Thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself,”(4.1.71-72). The quote is saying that if she really does not want to marry Paris she will need to try a remedy that he made and she will need to have strength because it could go wrong. Friar laurence came up with the quick idea to make Juliet seem dead and that was risky because she might not have woken up and as we saw Romeo might not get the message at the right

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