The story Romeo and Juliet is known as one of the most beautiful love stories ever told. Despite the tragic ending many view the famous story as romantic but sorrowful. Shakespeare takes two star-crossed lovers full of passion and rushes them in to love too quickly. This causes them to take their lives so they can be together forever. Many wonder “Who is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet?” Some believe that it was not just one person who takes the blame, but a number of people. Friar Lawerence, the two lovers, and their parents all have a part in the tragedy that is Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawerence has a big part in the death of the two lovers. He believes that marrying Romeo and Juliet will end the feud between their families, but it only makes matters worse. Now Juliet is a wife but has to marry someone else in just a few days. This causes her to panic and run to her last resort, Friar Lawerence. Friar believes that giving her a potion to make it seem like Juliet has died will resolve the problem. After the funeral Juliet is placed in a tomb until Romeo arrives but Friar Lawerence’s letter to Romeo explaining what has taken place never arrives to him. Romeo assumes Juliet has passed away and takes his life to be with her. Friar Lawerence urges Juliet to come out of the tomb with him but …show more content…
Romeo and Juliet are “enemies” because of the feud between their families. If it was not for the hate between the two they would not have to marry in secret and kill each other to be together. Juliet’s parents also make her marry Paris but she cannot because she is already married. This leads to the faking of her death and the over all death of the two lovers. Their parents keep the two apart when all they want is to be with each other. Their parents are the reason for the hatred of the families and the death of innocent people such as Tybalt, and
In this essay I will be exploring the reasons as to why some people would argue that a certain person or people are to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
There are many people contributed to Romeo and Juliet’s Death. First, the main person to contribute their death was Lord Capulet.. Juliet help cause her own death. Lastly, Tybalt is contributing by getting in a fight with Mercutio, which leads to fighting with Romeo.These three people caused Romeo and Juliet’s death, Lord Capulet, Juliet, and Romeo.
Did you ever wonder what was the main reason for the deaths in Romeo & Juliet. This play is about Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare. The story started off with two families fuding. Romeo, one of the main characters, in love with another woman. He was later rejected by her, and then turned into a state of depression. His friend, Mercutio, decided that he should go to a party to get over the rejection. When Romeo arrived he looked for Rosaline, instead he found Juliet. Him and Juliet fell in love the same night, later they decided to get married. The next day they married, and Romeo went home to get ready to celebrate. On his way home Mercutio and Tybalt got into a fight causing Mercutio to die. Romeo killed Tybalt, then got banished. Juliet
Whenever a problem occurs, there is always someone to take the blame, whether it be a war between two countries or an argument between siblings. In the play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, it is no different. This story shows tragedy after tragedy and focuses on the tragic events that led the lovers to their deaths. However, there is much controversy surrounding who is to blame for the tragedies that took place. Some say that their families caused the deaths, while others say their counselor and mentor, Friar lawrence, is to blame since he married the two despite the potential consequences. Based on the facts, Romeo is to blame for all the tragedies that took place. Romeo acted infatuatedly, vengefully, and impulsively throughout this play, causing him to produce many tragedies along the way.
There are many people to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet, but no one really knows who the true person to blame is. Almost every single character in this story could’ve done something that would have prevented the death of Romeo and Juliet. In the romantic story of, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two young kids from the city of Verona, Italy fall in love. Although they are in love with each other, the rivalry between their two families keeps them from being with each other. Romeo is of the Montague family, and Juliet is of the Capulet family. The Montagues and the Capulets have been rivals for many years, therefore a Montague (Romeo) and a Capulet (Juliet) could not be together, eventually causing Romeo and Juliet
Who is Responsible for the Tragic Deaths of Romeo and Juliet 'Romeo and Juliet', a tragedy written by William Shakespeare in the 16th Century all about two strong hearted teenagers in the city of Verona in Italy who fall in love with each other as 'star crossed lovers'. The two young teenagers of feuding families were destined to fall in love, however many problems occur to the extent of suicide, that affect their relationship, one of the main factors is the feud between their two families. Juliet is a Capulet and Romeo is a Montague.
Joseph Stalin once said “Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem”. Joseph Stalin was a man who killed a lot of people which he thought was the solution to everything. Likewise, Romeo and Juliet saw their own deaths as the solution to their problems. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is about two star-crossed lovers from rival families. Romeo and Juliet's love was so strong for each other that since they could not be together they felt death was the only option. The death of the lovers bring an end to the rivalry of the families. Someone must have been responsible for this. Friar Laurence was responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet due to secretly marrying the lovers and making the death marked plan.
A story that is full of love, feud, haste and fate all wrapped into one. Where two star crossed lovers take their lives. The play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare is regarding Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet with a tragic outcome. This tale ends with the two lovers taking their lives. There are so many experiences leading up to this but who is to blame for these horrific events? Characters such as the Capulets and Montagues, Tybalt and Romeo are all to blame for the deaths of Juliet and her Romeo.
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a book of fate and how everyone in the world affects the happenings of this world. The author of this extraordinary book is William Shakespeare. Although Romeo and Juliet killed themselves, there were many people responsible for their deaths. It is arguable that the parents of the two lovers, Friar Laurence, and Romeo and Juliet themselves were the most responsible, some could say that the other main characters like Mercutio, Benvolio, Tybalt, the Nurse, and Paris were involved as well. There were many people responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, although they took their own lives, they were not all to blame.
Tragic accidents occurred in a world where two young teenagers met and fell in love. Many viewers have seen the story of Romeo and Juliet and numerous people have heard of it. Most of them do not know that the love story of Romeo and Juliet is very tragic and disastrous. Juliet’s parents are to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because they were unconcerned, controlling, and resenting of Juliet.
In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, Friar Laurence is responsible for their deaths. So many things were done wrong by Friar Laurence, that lead to their deaths. The first mistake that Friar Laurence made was to agree to marry the two in secret and without the permission of their parents. The next bad advice he gave, was when he instructed Juliet to fake her own death. The last wrong thing was giving the message for Romeo to an unreliable messenger. If any of these events did not take place, their deaths could’ve been avoided.
Romeo and Juliet’s parents play a major role in the death of their children; both families hate each other due to an ancient feud between the Montague’s and Capulet’s. When Romeo and Juliet met each other
What is most responsible for the two lovely lover-Romeo and Juliet’s death? In my opinion, there is no one particular person to really blame on their death. However, it is every single person are should be blamed for the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet. If I was answering the question of who were the few most responsible people for their tragedy-it would be three people. Because of people’s decision and different point of view, the people most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet are Lady Capulet, Nurse, and Friar Lawrence.
Juliet’s father forces Juliet to marry Paris, and if she does not he threatens to leave her to ‘hang, beg, starve, die in the streets’. This arranged marriage with one she does not love compels Juliet to find an urgent resolution, and this resolution contributes to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The families’ feud contributes to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, as they know that their relationship must remain unknown. The feud leads to delusion and deceit, and their eventual death. Ultimately, the feud between the families makes their deception necessary and inevitable; but this deception leads to their untimely deaths.
Romeo and Juliet first met each other at a party at the Capulets house. They fall in love with each other at the first sight without knowing that they are from families who hate each other, and when they do learn about it, it is too late. Juliet realizes that it was a mistake to fall in love with Romeo, because he is one of the people she should watch out for. He is her first and only love, but he is an enemy of her family. Lucky for Romeo, Juliet is smart, and such dumb thing as hate between their parents wouldn't stop her from loving Romeo and getting married with him. She is sorry that their families are enemies, though, because everything would be much easier if they weren't. So this is the first time when the hate between Capulets and Montagues becomes problem to Romeo and Juliets happiness. Only after their children die, the Montagues and Capulets come to their senses. The Prince accuses them of killing Romeo and Juliet. The Prince makes them see how wrong they were all the time, that all because of their hate, because they couldn't let their children love each other, Romeo and Juliet died. After that, Capulets and Montagues decide to call it quits. No more fighting, and Montague even says that he will make a gold statue of Juliet, but what is that going to do? It is too late, nothing will bring them back. It is totally Capulets' and Montagues' fault that Romeo and Juliet died. If they didn't hate each other so much,