
Who Is To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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Who’s to blame and who should be excused from this tragedy in the Romeo and Juliet love story? Romeo thought Juliet was dead and he then killed himself with poison that would actually kill him and Juliet was left alone because Friar's plan didn’t get to Romeo. Everyone except Romeo and Friar Lawrence thought that Juliet was going to get married to Paris after Nurse convinced her that Romeo wasn’t good for her. Romeo and Juliet are two teenagers who are in love and while everyone else would disapprove of the relationship they looked for help to find their happy ending and unfortunately this ended in a terrible tragedy because of one message not getting delivered. There were only two people who knew about the forbidden relationship and Friar …show more content…

Friar Lawrence, the Franciscan who marries Romeo and Juliet, appears in Act 4 when Friar gives Juliet a drug so she could fake her death. He says to Juliet, “Now when the bridegroom comes to get you out of bed on Thursday morning, you’ll seem dead. Then, as traditional demands, you’ll be dressed up in your best clothes, put in an open coffin, and carried to the Capulet family tomb. Meanwhile, I’ll send Romeo word of our plan.”. Friar knows that Romeo would do something crazy if he found out that Juliet was dead and since Romeo was banished from Verona Friar should’ve sent the message himself so nothing would get in the way of the message being sent. He later proves how reckless he is by leaving Romeo and Juliet when he hears noises outside. This clearly shows that Friar Lawrence doesn’t care about anyone or anything he’s caused because he leaves Romeo and Juliet so he wouldn’t get in trouble. In Act 5 scene 3, Friar Lawrence says, “Your husband lies dead there, and Paris too. Come, I’ll place you among the sisterhood of holy nuns. Don't wait to ask questions. The watch is coming.”. Friar Lawrence doesn’t care about anyone but himself and he showed no emotion towards Romeo's death. Friar Lawrence should be punished because he is somewhat responsible for the death of Romeo and he was careless about how his plan would work and this caused Romeo to find a poison that would actually kill him and because he didn't know the plan he then killed himself to be with Juliet. If he isn’t punished he could be on the run and cause more trouble in other places. If Friar cared for Romeo like he was his own son he should’ve protected him because he knew the consequences of Romeo finding Juliet dead and not knowing anything about what was really

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