
Who Is Victor's Responsibility In Frankenstein

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Mary Shelly’s novel, Frankenstein, has been described as a book of revenge and responsibility. The novel follows Victor Frankenstein in his quest for self fulfillment. He creates a monster of inanimate human parts yet abandon him soon after he is born. While Victor tries to escape the Creature and forget about him completely; the Creature continues to learn and search for him, with hopes to destroy all that Victor holds dear. While revenge is sought by both Victor and the Creature, Victor carries the responsibility of causing the most turmoil throughout the novel.
Victor’s arrogance and obsession for creating life leads him to disregard his beliefs and professor’s opinion to create something no man has seen before. As a child, Victor studied …show more content…

There were two particular instances in which Victor's struggle to share a secret put members of his family in danger. When Victor hears of his younger brother's death, he comes straight home to Geneva. But when Justine, his adopted sister, is labeled the murderer; Victor realizes something else is going on and uncovers the true murder: the Creature. Because he is not able to come forward, and no one else knows about the monster, Justine pleads guilty and is sentenced to death, with reassurance that God knows the truth. Victor admits to himself that: “[Justine] indeed gained the resignation she desited. But I, the true murderer, felt the never-dying worm alive in my bosom which allowed for no hope or consolation.” (89) Victor did not share his creation with anyone and realizes his flaw affects himself, and not just others. While Justine is okay with her death, Victor knows he killed her by not stepping forward to share the Creature’s existence. If he had, he may not have lost Justine. While the Creature personally killed William and framed Justine, Victor is responsible for her death by not revealing the truth. Unless he comes forward or gets his own revenge, there is no hope to be relinquished of his guilt which will live inside of him forever. Another scenario when Victor neglects to share the truth with another, was on his wedding night when his wife Elizabeth was murdered by the Creature. Before the incident, the Creature had threatened Victor by saying, “I shall be with you on your wedding-night” (195). Victor, thinking the Creature would kill himself, sends Elizabeth to their room so she would not have to witness the heartbreak if he were to die. Victor remains downstairs keeping guard, searching for signs of the Creature. Yet as he begins to head upstairs “[he] heard a shrill and dreadful scream. It came from the

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