
Who Killed In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet what if Romeo and Juliet lived to be old. For one, they could have told each one of their parents on both sides. Second of all, they could have not married so quickly or not at all. Third of most, Romeo should have not killed Tybalt. The outcome could have been very different instead of them committing suicide. If Romeo told his parents and Juliet told her parents they could have still been possibly married and alive. For example, Juliet’s father (Lord Capulet) was becoming fond of young Romeo so if knew he knew he could have told Lord Capulet. Another example is Juliet’s dad went and told “good news“to Juliet that she was getting married to Parris but she was already married to Romeo and she denied Parris so her dad told her to either …show more content…

Whenever, Romeo was chasing Tybalt he grabbed a sword looking for revenge for his beloved cousin “ Benvolio “ and started to fight Tybalt which is causing both of to get banished. Romeo got frustrated badly enough to kill his wife's cousin “ Tybalt “ ultimately getting himself the death sentence but the prince on banished him to be in Mantua.Therefore, Romeo should have just never done it in the first place. Within, the first subject, yea they could have but I understand that many Shakespheare fanatics enjoyed that they did not tell the parents and that it created suspense for the people who read the play. Within, the second subject, I understand that people were glad that got to marryand be holly jolly but I strongly disagree that they did marry. Within, the final subject, Romeo should have never killed Tybalt because Romeo was the reason why he did but other people disagree and they liked the fact that they was violence and killing in it and not all lovey

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