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The Curriculum and approaches to Teaching and Learning

A discussion regarding the curriculum, sequencing and deep learning.

Most school curricula provide a good curricular menu for our students. Each faculty organises and delivers curricula which meet the legal requirements and prepare students for examinations at the appropriate age related stages.

Students in effective schools generally make good progress as can be seen examination results and their places in the league tables.

Each faculty has its own house in order and take care of their own curriculum and delivery. It is a well tested formula for success and the accountability, and quality assurance processes ensure each faculty is monitored well and supported.

So why change? …show more content…

|I all major religions, the same principles of interdependency and charity, empathy and morality are promoted. Whether religious or |
|secular, they are often implicit in schools’ mission statements in one form or another and framed within specific situations and |
|settings. In secular settings culturally defined morality prevails. It is very important that the curriculum and the method of delivery |
|pay homage to the important moral and ethical discussions and dilemmas of our time. |
|The Future |
|As ever, there are changes on the way. The re-evaluation of vocational education and the English Baccalaureate being but two. |
|The teaching profession has addressed creativity in delivery and knowledge acquisition throughout history. Studies concerning school |
|curricular models are by nature situational and hard to transfer. What is successful for one school often needs adjustment when being |
|employed in another school. The National Strategies focused on approaches and methodologies which could be universally used as ‘models’ |
|of good practice. Some were more easily

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