
Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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In William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, Macbeth is responsible for his own downfall and death regardless of the influence of the Three Witches and Lady Macbeth. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a trustworthy and fearless fighter who is loyal to his king until he lets his ambition overrule him. He becomes selfish and desperately desires to be king. Acting on these desires, Macbeth ruthlessly kills King Duncan thus becoming king. Once king, Macbeth buries his darkness protecting his evilness from all. Influencing Macbeth, the Three Witches give Macbeth ‘half fake’ prophecies and Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth into killing King Duncan which commences his downfall. Although the Three Witches and Lady Macbeth are contributing factors to Macbeth’s downfall, Macbeth is ultimately responsible for his murderous actions. …show more content…

Macbeth has a choice, as stated in Macbeth’s soliloquy “I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which overlaps itself and falls on th’other” (1.7.25). Macbeth tries to justify himself as to why he may kill King Duncan, unruly ambition is his only excuse and his determination begins to surface. Macbeth begins seeking his future as king and will overcome any obstacle “the prince our Cumberland, that is a step I must overleap, for in my way it lies” (1.5.50). This quote proves Macbeth has the ambition to become the new king, and that he alone is the instigator in the murder of King Duncan. “Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black desires” (1.5.50) clearly demonstrates that in order for Macbeth to achieve the throne and become king, he will have to commit deeds that are contrary to his fading sense of right and wrong. Macbeth wishes to keep his evil a secret, revealing it to nobody. He understands that his deeds are extremely wicked. This quote exemplifies the depth of Macbeth ambition even as it shows the inner

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