
Who Was Responsible For Moses Death Essay

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The birth of Moses was a miraculous event in itself in the fact that he should have been killed by Pharaoh's demand. King Pharaoh of Egypt ordered that all midwives of Hebrew women where to kill all baby boys that were born and he also ordered to let all baby girls live. He knew that one of the baby boys being born of the new breed of Hebrew males was to be responsible for his demise. Pharaoh was not worried about the birth of females because females would be no threat to his throne. Pharaoh is recorded in Exodus 1:22 saying, “Every boy that is born to the Hebrews, you shall throw into the Nile but you shall let every girl live”. Against the orders of Pharaoh, The Midwives did not kill all the male babies, because they feared the Lord, …show more content…

He was a member of the Egyptian Court until the time he was exiled for the killing of another Court official. Moses’ life was full of different events that would lead to his future destination. On one occasion Moses's brother, a Hebrew was in a heated conflict with an Egyptian. Moses could not contain himself and intervenes in the midst of the conflict between his brother and the Egyptian, and in his brother's defense, Moses killed the Egyptian. Moses thought that no one had seen him kill the Egyptian and therefore did not worry much about the incident further. In another event Moses encounters a fight going on between two Hebrew men. Moses interrupts the fight, to ask the men, “Why are you fighting?” Moses was surprised by one of the men's reply, “Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” When Moses heard the man say that, he became fearful of his life because he knew then that there were witnesses to the murder of the Egyptian that he had not previously known. Moses tries to get back to life as normal. As Moses is trying to live life with one eye open and fearing for his life, he hears that Pharaoh is out to kill him. Moses then decides to run from Pharaoh and leaves out for the land of

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