
Who Was To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Imagine that you are Friar Lawrence right after the death of Romeo and Juliet, write your thoughts and feelings. Fear comes upon me. Oh, so much fear that makes me guilty. It is my fault that Romeo and Juliet are now dead. I am to blame as their deaths are the result of my actions. My only intentions were to end the enmity between the two households. How could I be so foolish to believe that this would end well? I was present at the time of this dreadful tragedy. I am the greatest yet I did the very least to save the lives of the two lovers. One morning I was collecting the herbs I needed for my portions when Romeo came to me and told me that he had been up all night and wanted me to marry him and Juliet. This came to me as a surprise as …show more content…

I feel worse when I think about why I trusted a woman like her. Juliet and Romeo should have known that she is someone who can just not be trusted. I would rather tell anyone else about what I did but the nurse. She probably exaggerated the whole situation and would make it seem a lot worse than it is. I will make sure I never trust someone like her again. I deserve to be punished for my actions and sins that I have committed. I am the one to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. If I were loyal to god, none of this would have happened. But I had to be a good godfather and fulfil the wishes of Romeo. I should have thought deeper before I got the two married. I should have understood that there was no possible way for this to end well. How could I be so delusional? If only I understood that Romeo and Juliet were young and did not think wisely before they made decisions, if only I thought wisely before I made these decisions. Oh! How horrible I feel right now. There are the two lovers, both dead, right before my eyes. I feel awful as there’s no way for to save them now. I deserve to be punished for my actions, I deserve to go to hell. My only intention was to end the feud between the two families by marrying Romeo and Juliet. I have betrayed everyone and made hypocrisy out of my actions. I loved Romeo and Juliet dearly and would never wish for their love to end like this. I will never forgive

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