
Why A Bill Becomes A Law

Decent Essays

A bill is the draft of a law, it is the name of the law before it become a law. What factors are needed in order for a bill to become a law. From learning and experiencing in creating a bill, it is clear that having a good bill, in general, is important; having well done research and good phrasing. Another factor that is important, is whether or not it affects a wide range of people, how necessary is it. And lastly, propaganda, getting the bill known and understood. Without these factors a bill wouldn’t become a law.
The first step, before writing the bill, is knowing how important the law is. Does it affect a wide range of people? Is it necessary? If a bill only affects a few group of people then why make it a law? Many people need to care for the bill in order for it to pass. An example from Model Assembly is North House’s bill, their bill was about college tuition and their audience were high school students, who mostly all want to go to college after high school. Their bill covered a wide range of students who care about college tuition. This is also why South House’s bill, to regulate water, wasn’t as popular, since their the bill was trying to become federal law. The bill would have worked better if it a state bill, or for states who were in droughts. The bill was only solving a problem that a few states had, so a majority of the students …show more content…

In order to do this, an excessive amount of research is needed such as background information, basic information, and statistics. The sources from where the information was found, need to be credible and recent. Having good research is the root of a bill, it is what creates the actual bill. The next step in creating a bill is writing the bill. The way a bill is written is important because it is what people read. The words that are chosen should mean exactly what you are trying to do and make sense. In the end the bill is nicely written and

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