
Why Abortion Is Wrong Essay

Decent Essays

Why abortion is wrong

Is it right to abort a child? What if the victim was raped? Abortion can cause harm to a woman’s life and sometimes death. The moment a woman decides to abort a child is the day she takes the life of an innocent child. Does any human being deserve to have their life taken?
To begin with, there are a lot of cases in which sadly, women are raped and often get pregnant. In this case would it be right to take an innocent life? On source10-reasons-not-to-have-an-abortion/ they explain that a woman can often experience more compounds of tragedy because, they were raped and now are trying to get rid of another life and that’s not healthy for a woman. A woman who was raped should be good taken care of but being cared for does not include executing another life. Second, it takes an innocent life who has no saying whether if it should live or not, which in that case is violating a human’s civil right. On /2013/11/11/10-reasons-not-to-have-an-abortion/ it explains how unborn humans are living, separate and unique and explain how children are deprived from life. They are being punished for no reason. It’s not a child’s fault that their parents decided to have irresponsible sex and most definitely …show more content…

A woman will be hurt mentally and physically from the procedure and in some cases the mental pain never goes away. The American Pregnant Society explains how a woman will be experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding for about 2-4 weeks. And if in some cases a woman were to have a first trimester abortion and it were to be an more complicated abortion a woman would possibly be experiencing pain on their uterus or cervix, hemorrhage, infection, in some situations maternal death and last but not least, future pregnancy complications. No woman should ever go through a horrible stage of pain that not only is affecting her present time, but also her

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