
Why Are People Treated Equally

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Imagine wandering into a store and being advised to leave because of your race, sexuality, gender, or religion. All you want to do is buy food for your family and the next store is miles away. You end up going home with no food to feed your family. Believe it or not this happens daily to ordinary people around the world. There are many people in this world that think they are better than someone and others are less that them, and because of this many people are being treated with no respect and are not being able to do regular day activities other people do. To stop that everyone should be treated equally. If all people were treated equally there would be more job opportunities for everyone and that would help create diversity in jobs. …show more content…

People need to look at people as people and not just objects. There has been research that shows that there are 20 to 30 million slaves in the world an 800,000 of them are from human trafficking. ( There are many people in this world including america that are tricked into slavery. People will tell others that they will give them a home and feed their families but in reality they just want them to come and do work for them with no pay and they are even sometimes threatened with violence. Most of modern day slaves are immigrants. In an article about modern day slaves they said “They come here believing that they have found a lucrative job and an opportunity to obtain a green card. In reality, they have been lied to and end up getting trapped and forced to work with no pay”. ( Just imagine thinking that your life finally has hope and to have that hope be taken away from you by a person just because they think they are better than you. If we all just treated each other equally the modern day slave rate would go down at least …show more content…

My next reason why everyone should be treated equally because it affects many children's lives. Studies have shown that “the first years of any child’s education are an impressionable time. They lay the foundation for how a student conceives of school — and how he or she views his or herself in relation to the larger community. However, many young children of immigrants — who account for around a quarter of all children under age 8 in the U.S. — face discrimination at school during this formative period.” the article then goes on to say, “This results in a multitude of negative psychological, academic and social outcomes. And children of immigrants in the early grades may be especially vulnerable as they are only beginning to develop an understanding of how they fit into their family, culture, and community. Research suggests that students who are confident in their cultural and ethnic identity can buffer the impact of discrimination on their well-being”. ( A lot of discrimination comes from teachers more than students. Everyone wants their kids to be in a safe learning environment and kids are not getting

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