
Why Are Personal Interviews Important?

Decent Essays

Why are personal interviews so vital when trying to evaluate the past? Perhaps it is because their firsthand accounts of a particular occurrence are something that can not be obtained from a book. These primary sources are crucial to anyone trying to recollect information about a certain topic about the past. However, the interviewer must be cautious when taking someone at their word regarding a certain event for fear of bias and a possible hazy recollection of the actual circumstances surrounding the event in question. The subject of this paper and the interviews collected for it pertain to events that transpired throughout the year 1968. The interviewees are all members of the Oggenfuss family and all remember this pivotal year and the issues from it very differently. First interviewed was James Oggenfuss (Father), who spoke with the author regarding his uncle (Dave Smith) who served three tours in Vietnam from 1967-1971, next was Margie Riddle (Aunt) who was attending William Paterson University during the year in question, and finally with Marcy Oggenfuss (Grandmother) who was an average middle class mother during this time. These subjects spoke with the interviewer at length regarding a few very important issues that were taking place in during 1968: first was the Vietnam War, then shifting into Politics, transitioning into Civil Rights, and finally ending up at the heart of the matter, student protest. Here are their stories. The first subject brushed on was the

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