
Why Bikini Atoll Should Be Bombed

Satisfactory Essays

Bikini Atoll should've been bombed so that the U.S can see if they should bomb other countries with this weapon. Also we should see if it works underwater because If it don’t work the enemy will only use ships against us so we need to use it underwater. Yes the U.S did do a lot of damage of the sea life but over time it came back. I do admit that we accidentally led them to some of their deaths but hey they went back home. Bikini Atoll did get bomb but we cleaned a lot of the radiation was cleaned if the US did not got there and clean it all of them would die. The US should’ve bomb bikini atoll if it wasn't bombed millions of innocent unnecessary people would’ve died. When we bombed Bikini atoll only a few people died. When the US saw

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