
Why Britain Started The Treaty Of Paris

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The Treaty of Paris was the document that officially ended the Revolutionary War, signed on September 3, 1783. The Treaty was signed in Paris by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay ( The American representatives ) and the representatives from each country that participated in the war were to sign the document as well, including the countries, United States of America, Britain, Spain, and France. Under the terms of the treaty, Britain had to recognize that the United States of America was an independent nation and Britain had to remove all troops in America. The treaty also gave the new nation of America borders and more land from Britain, including all the land from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River. This …show more content…

For starters, Britain did not get as much money as all the other countries and Britain also had to pay money to the countries, give land away, and barely got anything in return. Although Britain gained the money that started the war, Britain lost far more land to the countries and had to pay almost 4.6 million US dollars. Britain had to give away all that land and money and from all the losses during the war, the whole war, not including the payoff and treaty, cost Britain approximately 316.6 million US dollars.

Why Britain Started The War

Britain started the Revolutionary War because they wanted the colonists to pay taxes while the colonists wanted to be free from England so the Americans rebelled with weapons so Britain fought back. The Lobsterbacks (the British were frequently called that because of their red coats) and the Minutemen ( the colonist's militia were called that because they could be ready to fight in a minute ) stood across each other in Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. The bullet described as “ the shot heard around the world” signaled the start of the American

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