
The Treaty Of Paris And Indian War

Good Essays

English III research paper

[ Michael Albury ] [ Mrs. Alfonsi ]

[ English 3 ]

[ February 15, 2017 ]

1. From one war to another
a.) French and Indian War
b.) Ended by the Treaty of Paris
2. Revolutionary War
a.) Negotiations between Great Britain and America
b.) Informal articles of peace
3. Ending of the Revolutionary War
a.) Articles of peace
b.) Formal agreements between Great Britain and America
c.) Treaty of Paris

[ The Treaty of Paris, The ending of the Revolutionary War ]

In 1763, the treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War between Great Britain and France, along with their allies. During the war, British forces had gained important victories against France overseas. They had also captured …show more content…

However, the articles, signed in Paris November 30, 1782, where only effective When France had signed a similar treaty with Great Britain. The treaty was Then negotiated by French foreign minister Vergennes.

January 20 1783, Great Britain and France had signed preliminary articles of peace. September 3, 1783 was the day American got its independence. British representatives, Richard Oswald and Henery Strachey, met with the Americans, represented by John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Henery Laurens. After nearly 8 long years of bloodshed and sorrow The war was Finally over. The representatives had came to a formal agreement and signed the Treaty of Paris, which consists of 10 articles. The first article simply says that England would let the United states be free and independent states. The second article set the boundaries between them to prevent any further dispute. As though article number three states the agreement to allow Americans to fish where every they 'd like. They could fish anywhere, American or England territory. Number four, nor Britain or the United States would do a thing to stop the collecting of dept by creditors in either state. The sixth was that no no more deaths would take place and anyone that was being held had been set free.The seventh article, which is a bit similar to the sixth article, states that anyone

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