
Why Bullying Is Bad

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Bullying, as we all know can lead to very dangerous things. Why do people do it? There are many questions people have. Bullying is everywhere you go. Do you know the true definition of bullying? It is a repeated aggression in which one or more persons attend to harm or disturb another person physically, emotionally, verbally, or psychologically. (Source - google.) In school, people often see bullying I’m sure at least everyday. The question always is, why do people bully? Most of the time I see bullying, it’s girls. I hardly ever see guys bullying one another. Mostly when you see girls bullying one another it is over boys, shoes, clothes, or something that you should not be mean to people about. No one should ever be bullied no matter what. …show more content…

It’s about being boss and having control, scaring kids and at times truly hurting them. Bullying is bad and should not be fun. You can really hurt people and make them feel bad about themselves that suicide crosses their mind. Would you want the guilt from someone committing suicide with you for the rest of your life, because you were mean to them? I’m sure you don’t because no one would want that. My favorite quote to someone who is being bullied, “ignore the people who is always talking behind your back, that’s where they belong, behind you - unknown.” You often see girls getting bullied over a guy or maybe even clothes because they aren’t name brand. That is sad. Previously, in my English class we watched a movie called “Wonder.” It is about a boy who starts school for the first time going into middle school. He had a face condition, and some kids were scared and made fun of it. He could not help he was like

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