
Bullying 101 Research Paper

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Bullying 101
Over the years bullying has become a problem. It affects kids to even adults. Bullying is a problem here a Buhach and the students should be aware of how to handle a bully. Don’t think that it can’t happen to you because bullying can happen to everyone regardless of your age.
What is bullying?
Bullying is one or more acts by a person or group of people, towards another person. A bully is sometimes also known as a perpetrator. They continue to harass an individual and provoke them until they get a reaction out of that person. They have no empathy towards that individual. Bullies often have low self esteem and they do this harassment to make themselves feel better. Bullying can occur in many different forms and the most common in this day and age is cyberbullying.

BCHS Bullying Policy …show more content…

People who are willing to stand up and take action in defense of others. An upstander can come in many different forms. An upstander is willing to stand up to bullying and or help prevent it from happening to others. Being an upstander does not necessarily mean that you have to face the bully head on. all you have to do to be an upstander is to help the victim of the bullying in anyway possible. You can be an upstander by making a nice comment towards the victim or even helping the victim find help to deal with the bully.
How to respond to Bullying
There are multiple ways to respond to Bullying. The best thing to do in a bullying situation is to simply walk away. Don’t give in to what the bully is saying to you. Tell the bully stop but try to maintain yourself from getting into a fight. This could lead to disciplinary actions from your school. After the Incident, the best thing to do is to tell a friend or school official. Get the word out to friends or classmates so they can help you. Don’t let this incident get to your head and overcome you. If you report it to an adult, they will more than likely help you with your bullying

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