
Why Can T Sociologists Decide What Cause Crime?

Decent Essays

Why can't sociologists decide what causes crime? A review of the evidence.

Key words • Crime and deviance • Functionalism • Feminism • Anomie Introduction
The essay I aim to write will be tackling the causes of crime/deviance and the varied explanations that are put forward to explain this. I will be looking at this issue from both a functionalist and feminist approach; to do so I have gathered an understanding of both theories and the studies that provide strong evidence to reinforce and legitimise such perspectives.

The topic I have chosen strikes huge debate amongst sociologists, there is no one reason that either crime or deviance is committed and because of this, several theories - including the two main theories I will be focussing on, functionalism and feminism - have impacted sociological thinking majorly. For instance, a functionalist perspective sees society as a body of separate but interdependent parts all of which must function properly for society to then function properly (Kirby and Kidd, 2000). Therefore, deviant and criminal behaviour would be seen by functionalists as behaviour that is out-with the norms of a particular society and so is detrimental to the proper functioning of society, thus such behaviour is considered dysfunctional. A man who made a huge impact on functionalist thinking - Durkheim - …show more content…

Feminists believe that there are clear differences between the crimes that are committed by each gender; although both males and females are prosecuted for sexual offences, they are statistically committing different kinds of crimes (Gundy, 2014). However a weakness of this theory would lie along the lines of being criticized for being too critical and dismissive of all other theories on crime and deviance. (Kriekan et all,

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