Introduction In this assignment, I will reflect on why I chose Nursing as a career. When I think back, my interest in wanting to study nursing happened suddenly and the idea of it soon became more appealing to me over time. Nursing as a career eventually turned into something I truly longed for. In this essay, I will discuss the main reason I chose nursing as a career, my Grandma. I will also discuss other reasons such as, the experience I had during my PLC, feeling as if I had the right attributes to be a nurse and the knowing that nursing would be such a rewarding career. My Grandma My Grandma absolutely adored nurses. She looked up to them, really appreciated their work and thought of them as heroes. There was never a day my Grandma didn’t have a good word to say about them. …show more content…
I thought that studying general nursing was a good start as I learned that you experience all the branches of nursing and I was extremely interested in doing this. I am drawn to the thought Midwifery and Surgical Theatre Nursing and I knew I would get to experience both of these and find out if I actually wished to further my career with them. My PLC and work placement made me see what a rewarding career nursing is. A Rewarding Career Finally, another reason I chose to do nursing is that I heard about and eventually seen for myself that it is such a rewarding career. To be able to help people, make a difference in their lives and bring them hope and happiness is such a good feeling. This was something I wanted to feel. I wanted to have a rewarding career. With it being such a rewarding career I was surprised to know that there are shortages of nurses. Yet this shortage has led to an increase in people wanting to enter the nursing profession (Jirwe & Rudman, 2012). Which did influence me slightly as well, as I knew I would be a wanted member of staff and I could travel freely.
I interviewed my grandma for this essay. She was a nurse in Michigan, then she moved to Florida and continued nursing there. She became a nurse because she wanted to make a difference in people’s life, her life, and her family’s life. She did not always want to be a nurse but when she got in an auto accident and saw all the people helping her she just knew that she wanted to work in the healthcare field.
In Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway writes a novel centered around Jake Barnes and his post war lifestyle in Europe. Seán Hemingway wrote an introduction for the novel long after the original publication that Jake Barnes was written as a representation of Ernest Hemingway, Cohn was a representation of Harold Loeb, and Brett was a representation of Duff Twysden (1). Hemingway wrote this novel in order to showcase what it means to be lost in life, and part of Gertrude Stein’s lost generation. When reading the novel, it is clear to see that the characters, including Barnes, are lost in what they want from life. The audience primarily witnesses long nights of drinking and partying, but within those nights, often times the characters found themselves alone.
Dorm life at Graceland University includes rooms that are roughly 12ft x 10ft in dimension with two twin size beds, two dressers, two desks, one small closet and above storage space. We have bathrooms per floor including 3-8 toilets, sinks, and showers. Now this description is only for the Tess Morgan building, Walker Hall includes, to my knowledge, much bigger rooms with two twin beds, two dressers, two desks, and two wardrobes and a personal sink. Every hall also includes two bathrooms per hall with about 3 toilets, sinks, and showers for each. The biggest differences between Tess Morgan and Walker is that Walker is only home to two halls of women, compared to Tess Morgan which is home to seven halls, Walker also has an elevator and air
“Nursing is a career filled with endless rewards. If you choose nursing you is choosing to fulfill your life with spending your time helping others, using
For me nursing was not something that I initially intended to do as a career. During elementary school and into high school I contemplated many different career paths such as cosmetology, teaching, psychology, and forensics. It was not till the later years of high school that I started to notice my desire to help other individuals and love of science, health, and different disease processes. My desire to help people has originated from the admiration of my grandfather’s
Nursing is an excellent career choice, where an individual acquires great gratitude while attending to others necessities. If someone is constantly trying to improve themselves and wanting to be challenged in life, “as nurses, we face tremendous challenges and often see and do things that are extraordinary” (Ulrich xix). By becoming a registered nurse the individual will make a difference. Nursing allows an individual to continuously be benefiting a fellow human being, not only with the patient but with their families as well, having the opportunity to becoming someone especial in the patient’s life. Nursing is a
I chose nursing as my profession because I always have had a desire to serve and educate others and nursing, which has given me an opportunity to do that. Nursing is a rewarding career that gives the greatest opportunity to save lives, comfort, and care for them. The nursing profession tends to run in my family and have inspired me to become a nurse as well. This profession is the most demanding and helpful profession in the world.
There is an endless amount of possibilities an individual can go with a career in nursing. Nursing has plenty of specialties to choose from and nursing work is widely available throughout the world. It is personally rewarding and emotional to have an interactive relationship with the patients. This career allows nurses to get on a more personal level with the patients and provide comfort and bed care. Most importantly we can make a difference in patient's lives by bringing hope. Nurses are guardian angels when the patients are sick or seriously ill. They are the ones that spend a lot of time with patients and build long lasting relationships. During these interactions, it is these type of
As a course of life, people are born, raised, and go to school until the time comes where they need to make a decision about their career. In fact, most careers have one common theme among them---Help or give back to community and society. I for one have chosen a career in nursing to help people and give back to my community. Other than the fact that I want to help people, a career in nursing will expand my horizons, give me career opportunities, and job satisfaction.
Because of these changes, my interests in nursing have been influenced by circumstance. From the very beginning of my journey, I had a strong interest in becoming a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), but because of the need to relocate for my husband’s job, becoming a CRNA was no longer an option due to location. After reevaluating my options, I have established a new interest in becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner, but because of my academic marathon and because of my age, I have also considered foregoing the additional education past a BSN. Other areas of interest include the Emergency Room, Cardiology, Critical Care, and Neurology. All of my career options interest me because they provide challenge and constant change. Hopefully the remainder of my academic journey will help solidify my ultimate career goal in the nursing profession.
This proposal examines my intentions to being a thorough research into the topic of discrimination and lack of minority representation in the fashion industry. In the context of this proposal minorities is used to describe people of color, members of the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, and Transgender communities, as well as individuals who are not traditionally represented by the fashion industry due to issues of age, weight, height, and disability. My primary focus will be on how lack of minority representation impacts the mental health and body image satisfaction of minorities. Through the development of this essay I will examine the feasibility to also discuss how this lack of representation can negatively impact the general public’s perception
I was always undecided regarding the career that I wanted to pursue. As I got older and looked at many choices in careers I realized that I wanted to have a career in the medical field. Being a nurse interests me because it requires the study of the human body along with other great opportunities that nurses have in this career. I want to become a nurse because I like being able to help those who are in need.
I chose to be a nurse because this allows me to interact more with people. Nursing is a great profession; it allows people to influence and touch lives. I am willing to obtain this significant responsibility. I am keen to be there for the patients through illness, injury pain, loss, grieving, birth, growth, aging, and health. I consider myself as determined and vigorous. I have the desire and determination to accomplish my goal of being a nurse. I am also thoughtful, caring, and open. I believe that my desire and traits would reflect on me being a nurse and would make me successful one.
In life it is hard to know if the career chosen is the perfect fit. How does one know if he or she is going towards the right profession? Once I learned more about nursing and became a CNA I knew nursing was a good fit for myself. In this paper I will first, explain what brought me to the nursing profession then, the values of nursing and how they relate to my personal values and lastly, my personal goals and how they relate to nursing.
I chose this major because I like to help people. I chose nursing because I want to save lives. I’m interested in nursing also because of my mom. My mom has a lot of health conditions include diabetes, fibromyalgia, asthma, and gastritis. I help my mom on daily basis with her conditions. I love helping my mom. To me, being a nurse is far more than a job or even a career. It's an adventure, a continuous learning process that I embark on bravely each day, in search of life changing events and miracles. I consider myself to be a compassionate person who genuinely enjoys helping people, to positively impact people's lives by making a significant difference while achieving a lifelong dream, because of its endless variety and finally, I believe this is the best career path for me.