
Why College Is Not Worth It Essay

Satisfactory Essays

About two thirds of student are graduating from Colleges and Universities with some level of debt. The level of debt they have sometimes overwhelmed them and sometimes they have no choice but to just drop out. At one point college is not worth it.It may only be worth it when you have a plan and you are financially stable and can afford the tuition every year. The majority of students that attend college are low income students and are not financially stable. So they can’t afford the tuition every year. Despite all the opportunities that college can offer you,The tuition of attending college might be to high because a lot of students end up in debt and many students can not afford the tuition for the four years.
Many people will argue with each other about why College is worth it. Everyone have their own reasons why it is and why it may not be. People who …show more content…

One problem students have today is that when they get to college they have no idea on what major they should major in so they end up majoring in a the wrong one, which doesn’t help them land a job later on the future. Also, even though they have a degree on something they still don’t get a job on the degree they have because there are no jobs in that specific major but yet they still have all the debt from school that they have to pay. One student decide it to get a degree in spanish and after she was done, her debt was $35,000 and this would of been easier for her to pay of ife her degree would of land her a job, “When Latisha graduated from the University of Georgia in 2006 she had $35,000 of student debt, This obligation would have been easy to discharge if her spanish degree had helped her land a well-paid

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