Christians celebrate Pentecost as the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles after the resurrected Jesus Christ ascended into heaven.
Jesus’ followers were downcast after his crucifixion and death, and they were being monitored by authorities. However, their hope was revived when they saw the resurrected Christ, who promised the baptism of the Holy Spirit several days after his ascension, The Christian Post details.
Acts 2:1-13 tells the story of Jesus’ ascension and the Pentecost. After Christ left, the disciples felt afraid and gathered to pray inside a room. In the middle of their prayers, a loud blowing sound was heard and tongues of fire were seen on each of the disciples’ heads. The experience empowered the disciples to
“The Magna Carta was a document issued by English noblemen who demanded rights from the king and limited the rights of the king’s power” (Source A). The document is important due to the fact that the Magna Carta influenced today’s society. Also, the Magna Carta is important because it gives everyone a fair opportunity, gives rights to every individual, and rights for a fair trial.
There is the idea of the re-occurring Pentecost, and what that looked like. Some of the ideas of Pentecost were the same as, the pouring out of the spirit, baptism and gifts. “Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit’ (Acts 8:12)” (pg.
|The miracle of tongues |The final consummation on Earth|Peter preaches at Pentecost|The Witness in Jerusalem | |
Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles as a follow-up to his Gospel account of the life of Christ. The Acts should be seen as a description of the ongoing work of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit through His apostles and followers. Luke’s aim is to give an historical record of the early church from its birth in Jerusalem to how it reached around the world with the Gospel. Through this work Luke reveals that everything that was said previously about Jesus Christ was absolute truth. The book of Acts can be split into two main parts: 1. The birth of the Church 2. The missionary journeys of the apostles The book begins with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the waiting disciple (120) in the
In Puritan societies they placed great importance on a person's reputation, without an honorable reputation a person is not worthy of respect from others in their society. Characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel, The Scarlet Letter, go through their lives struggling with themselves trying to cope with the guilt and shame associated with their sins. The novel is mainly based on the main characters sin which is adultery, but many others in the novel are sinners as well. The three main characters have sinned and they all cope with their sins in different ways. The novel shows the lasting effect that sin and guilt has on Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth.
The following installment of The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke focuses on Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Luke and the Charismatic nature of Christ. In this chapter Stronstad examines how Luke observes the Spirit in the infancy narrative, inauguration narrative and various texts dispersed throughout his Gospel. A central motif within this section is Jesus fulfillment of Old testament prophetic trajectories. Next, Stronstad addresses the charismatic community and “The Holy Spirit at Pentecost”. He asserts: “The Pentecost narrative is the story of the transfer of the charismatic Spirit from Jesus to the disciples. [...] By this transfer of the Spirit, the disciples become the heirs and successors to the earthly charismatic ministry of Jesus” (Stronstad, 55). Additionally, he stresses the complexity of the gift of the Spirit. The event that transpired at Pentecost can be described as but not limited to a baptizing, clothing, outpouring, filling, and empowering of the Spirit.
explaining the relation of Acts 2 to 1 Corn. 12-14. In one instance the tongues were foreign languages and in the other they were heavenly languages, but it was still the same basic phenomenon of Spirit inspired speech. 6 These interpreters have trouble understanding the foreign languages at Pentecost as a miracle, so they suggest that Luke may have added the foreign language motif in order to make the phenomenon more intelligible and rational or in order to emphasize the theological theme that the gospel would be preached to all nations. 7
Pentecost is known as the birthday of the church as it marks the beginning of fearless Christian pursuit to spread the Good News of salvation of Jesus in 33AD. After Jesus’ death, disciples had the fear of being alone in the battle to spread the message of Jesus. This is one obstacle that is apparent of being one of the largest barriers in the church’s development. On the day of Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit in the form of a lingering light above their heads, after they gathered Jerusalem. This Holy Spirit allowed them to speak
They had enjoyed a time of fellowship with Jesus and teaching from Him. But He was now preparing them to understand that he was going to leave them. This was one of the factors that were going to turn these believers world upside down and bring and opportunity to turn the world upside down. Because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them, “The Son of Man is
The Church was revealed during Pentecost. During the event of Pentecost, which is celebrated 50 days after Passover, the Holy Spirit descended onto the Apostles, and granted them the charism of glossolalia, or speaking in tongues. At this point, the Holy Spirit was revealed. This revelation of the Holy
Pentecost is the day that celebrates 50 days after Easter. In Judiasm, this is the feast that marks the day that God gave the Law to Moses at Mount Sinai, also known as Shavuot. Although, both videos were made with hard work, creativity, and accuracy, "The Bible" produced by Mark Burnett and Roma Downey is a better example. Dan Stevers video was very descriptive however, Mark Burnett's was better because he used real life people and props, instead of puppets, which took a lot of time, effort and money. In the Bible, Acts 2:1-13 state: Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.” Even though Mark Burnett's episode on Pentecost didn't include the last verse, it still showed accuracy throughout the video. Dan
The world was gripped by the tale of forgiveness, Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and his subsequent resurrection, as it was written and asserted. Through his first supernatural miracles and preaching, Christ had created a young religious congregation, but after his death Christ’s disciples and followers dedicated themselves to spreading the Word of God and the religion to the far corners of the world. Mass conversions took place with ordinary citizens in awe at the declared majesty of God, as well as the thought of a better life beyond the squalor of ancient
Pentecostal doctrine and practice is primarily derived from Luke-Acts and is stressed to be subsequent to salvation and evidenced by speaking in tongues. Non-Pentecostals/charismatics, by contrast, understand Spirit baptism to occur simultaneously with conversion (it’s inferred by one’s salvation) and often without the need of any external evidence. However, what lies at the heart of this issue is not simply a question of timing, but also evidence, and what constitutes biblical Spirit baptism. To progress in this important biblical concept, it is paramount that it’s recognized as being both exegetical and
“The Acts of the Apostles” is the name given to the second part of a two-volume work traditionally identified as having been written by Luke, a companion of the Apostle Paul.” “Luke presumably a Gentile Christian, helps his communities to know how to remain faithful to tradition while reinterpreting it for their new circumstances.” In this pericope of Acts 2:41-47, the portrait of a group of believers who have a community spirit and is filled with the Holy Spirit, who becomes the church is depicted. In verse forty-one, at the annual feast of Pentecost, as a result of the sermon Peter preached that mirrored the behavior of the people to themselves concerning their treatment of Jesus, there was a large number of people who did not
When Jesus left this world, it seemed that the faith and the knowledge the followers of Christ practiced left as well. Leaving the followers with uncertainty about whether or not the teachings and man who moved them so much, was who he said he was. A lot of the time in this world, there are groups, even cults, that give you an indescribable feeling. They make you think that what they are doing is right, and is amazing. You feel such “power”, but when something happens to your leader, you disband from it all, diminishing it. This is what the people did, many walked away, going on just as they did before. The disciples were the ones in the biggest slump and they didn’t know how to go on without their leader, Christ. They thought that they