
Why Did Romeo And Juliet Develop

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In the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare - Romeo is one of the main characters. The audience are able to meet the first of Romeo, towards the end of Act 1 scene 1, after the fighting of the two households diminish. Romeo’s personality is developed throughout the play to be an impulsive, confused adolescent which is conveyed with a plethora of linguistic techniques.

Before we meet Romeo he is spoken about by Sir Montague, Lady Montague and Benvolio. All three of them believe that he is a quiet and shy character, demonstrated when Benvolio explains that Romeo 'was ware of me and stole into the covert of the wood'. This suggests that Romeo has a reclusive personality. Which is further supported even more when Sir Montague confirms that Romeo has been seen there many times 'with tears', before running home and locking …show more content…

Romeo describes love as,
“ smoke made with the fume of sighs;
Being purg’d, a force sparkling in lovers’ eyes;
Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers’ tears,
What else is it? A madness most discreet
A choking gall and a preserving sweet” This is an example of the use of iambic pentameter, because each line is nearly amounting to ten syllabus. This devices purpose is to provide the audience or reader a heightened emotional experience compared to what would feel as if the author wrote it in an ordinary way. Plus this intricate language for example – love as: “smoke,” “fire,” a “sea,” and “madness.” This advocates that Romeo may know little about actually being in love.

To conclude, the audience discovers the different personalities Romeo goes through. Romeo idea of love is changed and forgotten by the end of act 1 scene 1. Shakespeare demonstrates Romeo as an impulsive, young, bewildered man. His characteristics of being enthusiastic and passionate make him a likeable character. Romeo depicted him as an extremely sentimental

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