The great escape from Alcatraz. One of the biggest mysteries to ever exist, nobody has ever found out where the 3 escapees vanished that day. 36 of the dangerous criminals made an escape to escape Alcatraz, with only 3 escaping (Guidekick, N.D.). These dangerous tricksters escaped into the Pacific Ocean, never being found again. According to some deep researching research and proof, it is possible that the 3 escapees could still be alive today.
In 1962, the Alcatraz escape took place. The names of the three escapees were Frank Morris, John Anglin, and Clarence Anglin (Donnelly, 2015). They were never seen again after the escape. According to NPR “Most people assume the men have been at the bottom of the bay or were swept out to sea since the night they broke free, tunneling out of their cells in part with spoons from the kitchen and climbing the prisons' plumbing to the roof”(Bergman, 2012). All of these escapees made fake heads out of material squeezed out from the prison's walls. The escapees also made an escape raft with only raincoats. These prisoners had amazing routes to escape Alcatraz. Even though they escaped, they were never truly
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The main theory is that the Alcatraz escapees made it off the island, but drowned in the sea because of the harsh current, this is believable because the Alcatraz escapees weren’t ever truly found again (Salinger, 2015). Another belief was that the men never made it off the Island and this escape attempt was hidden from the public. Even though these are explainable, the last theory is that the escapees survived! With technology, researchers have simulated how the escapees would look like now in their 80s (Donnelly, 2015). There have been people around the world which look similar to them as well (Noyes, 2016)! The could have changed their identity. If they encountered no disease or major injuries, they could still be alive today, somewhere on part of this world (Pruitt,
Alcatraz was a prison for the worst criminals. This highly guarded facility, also known as, “The Rock,” was located on an island about two miles off the San Francisco Bay. It was built in 1934 and shut down in 1963. Alcatraz was the most secure prison at the time and escape was almost impossible. In June of 1962, Frank Morris, along with Clarence and John Anglin escaped Alcatraz. Although, we know these three men escaped the prison, did they escape alive? These inmates all had the dream of freedom. For months they planned an ingenious breakout and finally were able to leave Alcatraz behind (Flank). Once in the San Francisco Bay, they drowned in the frigid waters never to be seen again. Much evidence supports that the three
To begin with," The most notorious could not beat Alcatraz not even gangsters like Al ‘Scarface’ Capone could escape,” Scope pg. 9 December 2017 to January 2018. To add on to that, 33 other prisoners attempted to escape Alcatraz yet none of them got away with it. If 33 of some of America's most infamous prisoners failed to escape, how could Morris and the Anglin brothers do it?
Eventually, all of the members were captured and thrown into jail. The three oldest members were put into the same cell. After an escaped plan was created, the three members left the prison nightly to continue to sabotage Aalborg, as discussed
Morris and the Anglin brothers made it out alive because they had a lot of patience. For example, in the escapee's toolkit column, it explains that the men used nail clippers and stolen spoons to dig holes in the walls of their jail cells. It took months to dig holes large enough to crawl through. This reveals that the men were determined to get out of there no matter how long
Being in prison is difficult, but being in a brutal prison is even harder and many wonder did Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers escape alive or did they die trying. The prison was strict and had very high security for very horrid criminals, which made it impossible to escape. Articles state Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers died trying to escape the well-guarded prison of Alcatraz.
The treacherous life at Alcatraz led many men to snap. Alcatraz was a death trap for some, on an island just miles away from San Francisco, with the freezing currents of San Francisco Bay surrounding it. Over the years there had been many escape attempts, but none as mysterious as the one that Frank Morris, Allen West, and brothers Clarence and John Anglin had been plotting for months. Numerous people believe that they died during this escape “attempt,” but evidence has shown that they most likely escaped Alcatraz successfully and survived. This evidence includes no bodies were found, a lot of people have claimed to have seen them, and a family friend later shared a picture of the brothers after their escape with the
Even with top security jail cells and highly trained prison guards, prisoners still manage to find a way to escape them. Having prisoners escape
Alcatraz the prison they say no one can escape from, Whether or not anyone suceeded in escaping from Alcatraz depends on the definition of “sucessful escape”. Is it getting out of the cellhouse, reaching the water, making it to land or reaching land and not getting caught? Officially no one ever succeded in escaping although the this day there are five prisoners listed as missing and presumed drowned.
Alcatraz, The so thought inescapable prison was built when a crime wave hit the United States in the 1920s. No one had succeeded at escaping until the very famous prisoners at Alcatraz known as Frank Lee Morris and his friends, the two brothers. The reasons why they were famous at Alcatraz is because of their criminal history, how they escaped, and the mystery of where they are now after the escape is still not solved.
Did the 3 men that escaped Alcatraz make it out alive? Yes, in my opinion, I think they made it out alive, due to lots of evidence and facts I think they made it out alive. The Alcatraz escapees had made a raft out of over 50 raincoats. When they had finally finished making the raft they sailed off in victory knowing they were finally free. They had only one struggle until knowing they were finally free and that was if they would make it out alive or not. It has been stated that there was a raft found with footsteps leading away from it on Angel Island. According to, Did Frank Morris make it out alive video, there goal was to make it to Angel Island.
Wherever the inmates went, they were kept close tabs on. They were always kept behind locked doors, whether they were in their cells, the mess hall, chapel, or the factories where they worked. Fixed metal detectors were in the entryways of some rooms. The inmates called them "snitch boxes". Unarmed guards on foot patrol kept an eye on the prisoners along with heavily armed guards in "gun galleries". These were watch towers backing up the foot patrol if anything went wrong. (Maximum
Many people know Alcatraz as one of the most popular prisons but, not many know about the back story of Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary. This prison, at the time, was a maximum-security prison that was based on an island 1.25 mile off the shore. The main prison building early on was used as a military army prison and was built around the year 1910. Since the 1860’s Alcatraz had been a site of a citadel. The prison opened in August 11th of 1934. Alcatraz was being modified and modernized to meet all requirements of a high security maximum prison.
The best and most authentic way to experience Alcatraz is through a Cellhouse Audio Tour. This incredibly realistic audio tour features stories from the actual men who served on the island as well as the correctional officers who oversaw the entire operation. Stories of cellhouse fights, prisoners favorite hobbies and even stories of escape attempts give you and even deeper understanding of what life was like in the prison. The tour guides you through the prison, giving the listener specific instructions on where to go and where to look during different aspects of the
(CNBC News) states that on "average 2000 inmates escape yearly". That's 2000 inmates convicted of rape, murder , and other crimes running around free because somehow they managed to escape a maximum security prison. Some of the factors that involve prison breaks are "the heterogeneity of the inmate, the capacity of the prison , faculty to inmate ratio, and distance between the prison and the road".(Peterson, Bryce E). These factors are important because inmates have grown accustomed to noticing every little detail in their surroundings and exploit them in order to escape, and usually they succeed due to some prisons not paying attention to these
We will start by briefly looking into both characters’ backgrounds in order to be able to understand the reasons and circumstances that led them to escape. First, it is worth mentioning