Americans did not origanally desire separation from Engalnd, only better treatment. There was lots of events leading uo to people wanting freedom from Engaland. I belive the colonist shift their favor to indemenptence becuasaue Engalnd was treating them badly. Documnet 1, Boston Massachuer, shows the Loyalost and the Patrioits fighting. The piuter proves that the Patriots wanted freedom from England. Because the patriots belive that the Loyalist have more weapons then them. And the Loyalist also have less people died, the Loyalist also look trained and have more members. This expalins that they wanted to break away because Engalnd is putting their tim and money down on the Loyaslit and not spilting it eqalu with the Patriots.This is a problem
There were many causes to the American revolution that really started the topic of separating from the British control. The British had laws that caused the colonist to have many rebellious reaction. The British king was considered a tyrant by Patrick Henry because of the unreasonable taxes put on the colonist when they were not on the parliament. Also, there were many more colonist reactions to the British actions like the boston massacre, and that caused most of colonist to get mad at the British because the British guards got off easy. Another reason is the taxes, those taxes brought many riots and even more hate towards the British government.
If I was an American Colonist I would be very frustrated. The colonist were mad because the king was taxing them, and had no control over them because they were in a different continent, also the colonist got tired of taxes and they threw their tea into the ocean. Were the Americans justified in declaring their independence from Britain? They were justified to break away because they were treated very badly, being taxed on everything, and the British were killing the colonist.
Thomas Jefferson wanted to separate from the British for many reasons, including, Usurpation, Despotism and Violence. The British Government was taking away things from the colonists and taking credit from them. Jefferson said, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government”. It is obvious the Government was taking things away from the colonists, as Jefferson mentions it more than once saying, “reduce them under absolute despotism”. Jefferson mentions usurpation saying that the British took their power and property. The King would take their achievements and claim them as his own.
The Americans were justified in separating from Britain because of taxes. The first example of taxes was the Tea act. In Document 13, it states that it's an act to allow a drawback of the duties of customs on the export of tea to any of his majesty’s colonies in America to empower the commissioners of the treasury to grant licenses to the East India Company to export tea. This is important because the tea act
The American Revolution was the first of its kind. Colonist rebelling against a supreme power, and successfully overthrowing Great Britain was at the time, something unheard of. In 1776, the colonist wrote the Declaration of Independence to declare independence from England. Over 200 years have passed since the American Revolution, and the question remains. Were the American colonist justified in waging war and breaking away from Britain? The answer to this question is yes, the American colonist were justified by taxes imposed by Britain, the Proclamation of 1763, and their unalienable rights being violated.
A single colony cannot depart from its mother country and lead a revolution; only a whole united nation, such as that of the American colonies, could successfully detach themselves from Mother England. One must take into consideration that up until the eve of revolution, much had happened in the time era of 1607-1776, where the British were still very involved in the American lifestyle and there was no unity within the nation, nevertheless the colonies. However, after the numerous acts imposed by the so called mother that should've taken care of the colonist, more Americans saw the light and realized their
This is what we will be focusing on in this essay: Should colonists support the American Revolution, and why? Colonists are normal people like us. The American Revolution is a group of people who go into war and battle to win others property. We call the American Revolution members, “Patriots,” and the British soldiers, “Redcoats,” because they wore redcoats. The colonists should support the Patriots because they are very important to them and they fight for them so the Patriots deserve support, also wars cost a lot of money and they lose money by getting taxed by Britain.
About a decade before the American Revolution happened in 1775, there were lots of tension building up between the colonists and the British. The colonists did not like being under British rule and control because they liked freedom and wanted independence. However, the British government attempted to raise tax revenues by imposing more taxes on the colonists to pay for the leftover debts from the Indian-French War. Some of the laws passed include the Stamp Act of 1765, the Townshend Tariffs of 1767, and the Tea Act of 1773. Some events that escalated the tension include the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, etc. The colonists were justified in rebelling against Britain.
The American Colonists The American Colonists had ample justification for waging war and breaking away from Britain. This belief is supported by four reasons. First, the colonists were not treated fairly by the British Parliament. Second, they had to pay extremely high taxes.
Colonists sought independence from British government for a multitude of reasons. Tension quickly rose between England and the thirteen colonies due to the unjust taxing without fair representation in Parliament, the colonist’s rights to assemble were taken away by the British, and there were many unreasonable Acts and laws put into place in attempt to have complete control over the colonists as well as intimidate them. For these reasons and the suffering that the colonists endured at the hands of the British government, I feel that the colonists had plenty just causes to separate themselves from England.
Colonists of course tried to untie things with Britain before the war and even earlier into the war, but it took quite awhile to get all or most of the colonists on board and supportive of the idea to break apart and become their own country. Britain was always against the idea because they never wanted America to break free from their power. In the end, all of these fights and taxations led America to the freedom we have today and is what made us our own
The American Revolution was not only a battle between the British and the colonists; it was a historical movement that brought about new ways of thinking. The ideas of liberty and equality began to be seen as essential to the growth of the new nation. The separation of the American colonies from the British Empire occurred for a number of reasons. These reasons are illustrated in the Declaration of Independence. Although Thomas Jefferson wrote the document, it expressed the desire of the heart of each colonist to be free of British rule. British rule over the colonies became unbearable in the early months of 1776, making it clear to the colonists that it was time to either give in
The first reason that the colonists were justified in breaking away from the British was because the British Parliament and soldiers made unjust decisions for their own personal gain and abused their powers over the colonists. As stated in Document 2 of the packet “Document-Based Questions--Path to Revolution”, the British parliament taxed the colonists for the sole purpose of levying money upon them (Stamp Act). The taxes was also mainly used to pay for the French-Indian War, which seems like it justifies the British taxing, except for the fact that it was taxes without representation, which can be labeled as tyranny. This supports my argument, as the American colonists didn’t like having to pay for the war, and let Britain take money away from them for profit. Another piece of evidence that supports my claim would be that on Document 10 of the packet it was stated that, “We have understood it be
There were several reasons colonists wanted to break away from the English. A large reason the colonists wanted to break away from English rule was the amount of high taxes that they had to pay for almost everything, because they essentially had to foot the bill for a war. The colonists also had no say on the laws that were passed by a government that was across an ocean, thus the phrase “No Taxation without Representation.” Paying high taxes and having no say in what laws were passed obviously made the colonists angry with the British government, but another factor was the British would not let the colonists trade with anyone else besides them. This means that all trades going in or out could only be done with Britain. Forcing the colonists to pay whatever the British merchants wanted to set their price at because there was no major competition. All of these things as well as not letting the colonists expand past the Mississippi River, would calumniate into a revolution in which the colonists would form their own government and finally fulfill their wish of breaking away from British rule.
At the beginning of the American Revolution, most Americans didn't actually want to be independent from Britain. They only wanted equality with other British subjects. They wanted representation in Parliament, they wanted to be able to petition the King, to write him letters