
Why Did The US Housing Market Collapse

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Once the US housing market collapsed, it created a credit crisis and crunch in the wider financial markets. Due to the complexity of CDOs many people had no idea how much they were really worth. Many of the CDOS were worthless and it was almost impossible to find the value of them (7). This led to a moral hazard problem whereby there was an overall caution of banks because many had no idea if they were even bankrupt. Inevitably, the interbank lending system crumbled whereby some banks stopped lending to each other and to corporations altogether or only lent with very high interest rates. Many banks who relied on interbank lending for money were heavily affected by this including Northern Rock. Inevitably, depositors of these banks become dubious of their banks financial situation and were provoked into withdrawing their money. …show more content…

Furthermore, those banks who invested in collateral debt obligations, a lot of whom before 2007 (particularly investment banks) sold off senior CDOs but kept junior ones for profit (8). However, the values of these CDOS plummeted and as a result banks with large amount of junior CDOS were in a bad position therefore many investment banks were in

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