
Why Do Children Need To Be On Social Media?

Satisfactory Essays

Young children do not need to be on social media all day like some of the older kids are. Studies show that teens are on social media seven hours a day. At a young age, it is important for children to read and be with family rather than on their phones. They are not old enough for most social media. Social media networks don't always post the most appropriate things. If children had phones most of them would most likely create a social media account. Young children would not be responsible enough to have a phone. Some children lose papers for school, and others can’t do chores while at home. At home children lose clothes, socks, or hair ties. Children’s rooms are most of the time very messy and unorganized. If they can't do those things, they should not have a phone. …show more content…

If they are doing homework and their phone is next to them, they will easily get side tracked. If you are eating dinner with your family and your phone is next to you instead of talking with your family you might be on your phone. Studies show that 34% of children aged five through fifteenth are on their phones at the dinner table. Some children at home just sit around and watch YouTube on their phones, instead of helping their parents with chores around the house. People may argue that in case of emergency children should have a phone so their parents can contact them. Most of the time you aren't going to leave your nine year old alone. Almost all of the time they are with an adult. So therefore children shouldn’t need a phone. Children under ten years of age should not have phones. Studies show that 20% of third graders have phones. It is unnecessary for young children to have a social media. Most children cannot keep a paper for school for more than three weeks, yet we give them over $200 phones. It is hard the way it is for children to concentrate and if we give them phones they will just become This is why nine year olds should not have

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