
Why Do International Organizations Create World Order?

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Like the realist, the neo-liberals believe in the importance of the hegemon for creating world order since the hegemon is the one who creates international institutions. These international institutions can maintain order without even without the existence of the hegemon because they have norms and rules that states follow; by not adhering to these rules and principles, a state might tarnish its image. The hegemon aside from establishing the regimes joins them in order to cement its legitimacy to lay down rules to the secondary states. The secondary states cooperate with the hegemon because they can gain something from it (Keohane, 1984).
Due to the distrustful nature of states that are practicing self-help, they do not cooperate with other states in fear of being cheated; this is where the …show more content…

These institutions are not central governments that rule above the states and it will not stop states to wage war against one another. Cheating and relative gains prevents states from cooperation and it will be the cause of the downfall of the neo-liberal order (Grieco, 1988).
The realist sees bipolarity and nuclear weapons as an answer to bring order in anarchy. The power is balanced between two superpower states, the United States and the Soviet Union who are evenly matched when it comes to military capabilities and they have an ultimate deterrent that prevented them to start a large scale conflict (Mearsheimer, 2001). The Cold War divided secondary states into two ideological camps and small scale conflicts or proxy wars (e.g. Vietnam and Korea) never blew out to become a major conflict and it was called the period of long peace due to those factors (Waltz,

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