
How Racism Has Affected The Whole World

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Racism Racism started when the other race or religion met each other. Racism has affected the whole world. It affects us as an individual, a community and even more. Racism started in the 1400’s between the black and the white people during the days of slavery. It still goes on today in 2016. I believe that racism needs to stop. Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. People judge others based on what they wear, what race they are , where they come from and so on. According to the article on Global Issues, “people use racism and discrimination as a weapon because of hatred, conflict, war, and even during …show more content…

For weeks now the news channels have been giving us information about shootings all over the world. Some white police officers are shooting just blacks, and some blacks are shooting just whites. Sometimes i don’t understand why this is still going on today. Based on data, roughly 49% of those killed by officers from May 2013 to April 2015 were white, while 30% were black. Also 19% were hispanic. If police are going to do their job if the person gets in harms way, then shoot them if you have to. Don’t shoot just the opposite race of your own, shoot every race if you have to in order to stop racism among …show more content…

It is also most common in Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and many other states. Some people may use racism as a weapon to harm certain individuals. Others may use it just for fun to do it in a playful way. Racism has many facts but it’s not based on principles of individuals. Even though racism may not be good towards society, I understand why some people are racists towards others. They may have had a past dealing with their color or the opposite color. Some of us have to understand that we don’t know what type of lifestyle other people grew up in and they may have taken their ways from their parents. Racism is actually healthy. It helps to build up courage or motivation as some people would think. Racism may also be good because it gives us a chance to learn about the history from years ago. Dr. Martin Luther king Jr fought for our rights as African Americans. Also, Rosa parks, fought for our black rights on buses or boycotted. Racism is a part of life, but i am not saying that it it’s good. Even doe racism is powerful, it can have positive and negative

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